The PVSC Publication Policy and Procedure has changed significantly from the past. Please review the information below.
To ensure the high technical quality of the conference and its proceedings, the PVSC publication process begins with a rigorous peer review of submitted 3-page Evaluation Abstracts. In addition, a Short Abstract is required for each submission.
The Proceedings of the PVSC provide a permanent record of the technical program and a valuable resource for future photovoltaic specialists. Under a new publication policy for the IEEE PVSC, publication of a full conference paper is encouraged but no longer required for presentation. Authors will have the option of using their 3-page Evaluation Abstract, their Short Abstract, or a Final Manuscript as their contribution to the Proceedings. In addition, as part of the review process, exceptional submissions will be recommended for expedited review and publication in the IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics.
After the submission deadline in January, at least 3 reviewers assess the quality of each submission. Based on their combined review scores, the work is accepted for inclusion in the PVSC program as an extended oral, regular oral, or poster contribution (or, if appropriate, rejected). The 3-page Evaluation Abstract must be at an advanced stage to be selected for oral presentation. Word and LaTex templates are available on the submission website and should be followed.
The timing of the abstract submission and review process enables the conference to establish the technical program, while also giving the authors ample time before the conference to prepare their presentation and manuscript. The disposition of the review process will be communicated to the corresponding author by e-mail in March. The corresponding author must respond to requests in a timely fashion throughout the entire publication process. Authors are required to confirm or decline their conference contribution at the time of notification. There is also the possibility to submit contributions to the conference after the official deadline as “late-news submissions.” These submissions will be considered by default as poster presentations with promotion to an oral presentation only in exceptional cases.
When submitting their abstract, authors will select their publication preference from three options. This selection can be changed before the May 31 publication deadline. Authors who want to publish a full paper in the Proceedings can (1) submit a 3–8-page final manuscript or (2) designate their 3-page Evaluation Abstract. If no manuscript is submitted, (3) the Short Abstract will be published by default. During the conference, all manuscripts will be available online to conference attendees using their PVSC website login credentials. The Word and LaTex templates should be strictly followed for the 3-8-page final manuscript.
The IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics (JPV) is a peer-reviewed, archival publication reporting original and significant research results that advance the field of photovoltaics. Exceptional submissions to PVSC will be recommended for expedited review and publication in JPV. In addition, all authors can submit an enhanced version of their proceedings to JPV as a means to share journal quality research with the PV community. Such enhanced versions must contain 30% or more additional content beyond the proceedings. Each submitted paper will be processed through the normal JPV review process as if it were an unsolicited manuscript. More information on submissions to JPV is available here.