IEEE Stuart R. Wenham Young Professional Award Winner
Michael Saliba will receive the Young Professional Award at PVSC 52

Michael Saliba is a full professor and the director of the Institute for Photovoltaics (ipv) at the University of Stuttgart. He holds a dual appointment at the Helmholtz Research Center Jülich, Germany. His research focuses on a deeper understanding and improvement of optoelectronic properties of photovoltaic materials with an emphasis on emerging perovskites for a sustainable energy future. One example for his groundbreaking research is the development and pioneering of a general strategy for the combinatorial synthesis and exploration of novel perovskite compositions. Michael is the Speaker of the Graduate School for "Quantum Engineering". He was awarded a Starting Grant by the European Research Council.

Previously, Michael was an Assistant Professor at TU Darmstadt, a Group Leader at Fribourg University and a Marie Curie Fellow at EPFL with research stays at Cornell and Stanford. He obtained his PhD at Oxford University and MSc degrees in Physics and Mathematics at Stuttgart University together with the Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research.

Michael has published 200 works attracting 50’000 citations and filed 5 patents in the fields of plasmonics, lasers, LEDs and perovskite optoelectronics. He was on the Early Career Board of Nano Letters, is on the Editorial Advisory Board of ACS Energy Letters and a Senior Editorial Board Member of Materials Today. Clarivate lists him as Highly Cited Researcher for six times in a row since 2018. He was awarded the Heinz-Maier-Leibnitz prize by the German Research Foundation (DFG), the Early Career Prize in Semiconductors by IUPAP, and named as one of the World’s 35 Innovators Under 35 by the MIT Technology Review; he is also a Fellow of the International Science Council. In addition, Michael received the Kavli Foundation Early Career Lectureship in Materials Science from the Materials Research Society, the Curious Minds Award from Merck the EU-40 Materials Award from the European Materials Research Society, and the High Impact Award from the Helmholtz Association.

About the Award

The IEEE Stuart R. Wenham Young Professional Award recognizes individuals who have made significant contributions to the science and technology of photovoltaic energy conversion, including work on PV materials, devices, modules, and/or systems. The award recipient must also show significant promise as a leader in the field. An award is given annually at the PVSC. The award was recently renamed in honor of Stuart Wenham, in recognition of his profound contributions to photovoltaics, and in memory of his great scholarship and friendship.

Award Package

The award consists of a 3000 USD monetary award, complimentary conference registration, plaque, and recognition at the PVSC Opening Ceremony. In addition, the awardee will give an honorary 30-minute talk during a regular session of the conference, in conjunction with his/her respective technical area.

Rules & Eligibility

  • Nominee must be a young scientist or engineer who has made significant contributions to photovoltaic energy conversion, including work on PV materials, devices, modules, and/or systems.
  • Nominee must have received their first post-secondary degree (Bachelor’s level) within the past 15 years, relative to the nomination deadline.
  • Nominees are not required to be members of IEEE or EDS. 
  • Nominees from any country and institution are eligible. 
  • Nominees are expected to have prior contributions to the PVSC. 
  • Previous recipients of the Young Professional Award are not eligible.
  • Self-nominations will not be accepted.
  • Nominations will not automatically roll over to subsequent years, but nominators are allowed to re-submit nominations, provided the nominee is still eligible. Supplements to the original nomination are permitted, and should reflect the nominee’s latest work. 
  • Members of the awards subcommittee in charge of selection are eligible to be nominated, and can nominate colleagues, but would recuse themselves of subcommittee duties in either case.
  • The award must be received by the winner in person at the PVSC; no award will be made in absentia, except under extraordinary circumstances, as determined by the conference chair.

Questions? The Awards Chair can be reached at [email protected]

Previous Recipients

Yifeng Chen, 2023

Marta Victoria, 2022

Sam Stranks, 2021

Brett Hallam, 2020

Zachary Holman, 2019

Adele Tamboli, 2018

Weiwei Deng, 2017

Bram Hoex, 2016

Henry Snaith, 2015

Oliver Schultz-Wittman, 2014