To have your paper considered for presentation at the PVSC 48, please submit a 3 page evaluation abstract and a short abstract of no more than 300 words in length for display on the conference website.


Short Abstract Format

The Short Abstract should give a brief summary of the topics and main conclusions of the paper and presentation, and must be 300 words or fewer in length. The Short Abstract will be viewable for accepted papers at the conference website, and will be linked to the paper title in the Conference Program to give conference goers more detail on your paper, and help plan which technical sessions to attend.  

Evaluation Document Format

The 3-page Evaluation Document is the most essential part of your abstract submission, since it is the part that will be reviewed by the Program Committee.  To help them with their assessment of your paper, please make sure that your Evaluation Document is no more than 3 pages in length, and includes these main points:  

  • Full title of the paper
  • Full author list and affiliation
  • Introduction or background of the paper topic
  • Main experimental and/or theoretical results
  • Analysis of the results, clear exposition of the main findings
  • Discussion of the significance of the work for the field
  • Summary of the work
  • References 

Special Note for Authors in Areas 1 & 12
This year we are running a pilot double-blind review process for all papers submitted to Areas 1 and 12. Double-blind reviewing is the best way to ensure that everyone’s papers receive completely equal, unbiased treatment, allowing your submission to be assessed on its merits alone. Our goal with this effort is to test our new procedures over a smaller subset of papers before rolling it out conference wide in future years. To help facilitate this process we ask that authors submitting to Areas 1 and 12 adhere to the following guidelines:

  • Use the abstract templates provided below, as per usual; we will establish author anonymity by removing file metadata and masking the name and affiliation block before distributing the abstracts to the review team.
  • Avoid any self-identification within your documents; please use anonymous third person language when referring to your prior work, and do not identify your affiliation.
  • Avoid providing any clear identifying information within the Acknowledgements or Funding statements. Optionally, you can leave these out of your document altogether, and if you wish to add them in for your published proceeding you can provide an update later.

Evaluation documents are limited to 3 pages and the file must be uploaded in PDF format. Please use one of the two templates below to prepare you abstract.

Download Evaluation Abstract Template (Microsoft Word)
Download Evaluation Abstract Template (LaTex Format)