This page contains the most frequently asked questions that we have received and the corresponding answers to each of these questions. Please contact us if you have a differenet question or require any additional information/assistance. This page will be continually updated as appropriate.
For the safety of our attendees, the IEEE-PVSC 48 conference will be a fully virtual. Unfortunately this means we won't be able to meet in person, but a program similar to an in-person conference will be available online and recorded to view at a time convenient to you.
All attendees will need to register using the normal online registration system. If you have submitted an abstract, the presenting author must be registered in order for the presentation to be included in the program.
PVSC 48 registration rates reflect the change to a virtual format. The prices are different from PVSC 47 as this year's virtual program will be similar in format to an in-person meeting. There will be concurrent sessions, posters, an exhibit hall and much more. More information can be found here.
Unfortunately no. The abstract submission deadline has passed. You are welcome to join the conference as an attendee. More information can be found here.