There is also an online forum available to connect job seekers and job offers: the LinkedIn PV Jobs group. Relevant job listings on LinkedIn will be available there for job seekers to review. Any questions or comments can be posted directly within the group.
Please feel free to reach out to PV Jobs Co-Chairs with subject line stating PV Jobs if you have any other questions. We look forward to seeing you in Montreal!
There will be a live PV Jobs Networking Event/Jobs Fair on Wednesday, June 11. This will take place at the Montreal conference venue.
PV Jobs seekers do not need to sign up in advance, but are encouraged to bring business cards and resumes for interaction with the potential employers.
There is also an online forum available to connect job seekers and job offers: the LinkedIn PV Jobs group. Relevant job listings on LinkedIn will be available there for job seekers to review. Any questions or comments can be posted directly within the group.
Please feel free to reach out to PV Jobs Co-Chairs with subject line stating PV Jobs if you have any other questions. We look forward to seeing you in Montreal!