This page contains frequently asked questions and the corresponding answers regarding abstract submission and publication.

Please contact us if you have a different question or require any additional information/assistance. This page will be continually updated as appropriate.

No, abstracts are not accepted after the submission deadline; however, a late news submission is expected to open around March. Information will be posted on the website.

The code you receive will depend on the action that needs to be taken. Some of the common codes are below:

Code 1007: There is an issue with one of the author's email addresses. Review what was submitted on the abstract (step 2) and make the appropriate changes.

Code 3001: The final submit button was not clicked. Please contact [email protected] to manually update the status of your copyright.

Code 3002: Designated author has not completed the form. Please follow up directly with that individual.

In mid-April an additional step will be added to the submission portal. Please log into the account in which the abstract was submitted and click the edit button next to your original submission. If you do not see an option to upload your manuscript confirm that you selected ‘full manuscript’ as your preferred format. If this is not selected please update your selection. You may need to logout and back in to see the manuscript submission option after this change.

If you declined your presentation, your abstract submission will be removed and you will not be allowed to submit a full manuscript. If you believe this was done in error please contact [email protected].

Abstracts will only be reflected in the account in which they were submitted. If you didn't submit the abstract, but will be presenting, you can contact [email protected] for more information.

We ask for authors to submit a draft of their manuscript prior to to the start of the conference. Many attendees like the option to view this prior to seeing your presentation.

There is a second deadline, which is after the conference finishes. This allows authors to make edits (based on feedback received at the conference) prior to the manuscript being included in the conference proceedings.