The IEEE PVSC is only possible due to the invaluable contribution of our organizing committee.
Conference Chair
William Shafarman
(U. Delaware)
Past Chair
Sylvain Marsillac
(Old Dominion U.)
Deputy Conference Chair/Secretary
Mariana Bertoni
(Arizona State U)
Tyler Grassman
Finance Chair
Jessica Lotito
Operations Chair
Arno Smets
(T.U. Delft)
Co-Operations Chair
Seth Hubbard
Program Chair
Karin Hinzer
Deputy Program Chair
Jeremiah McNatt
Exhibits & Sponsorship Chair
David Wilt
Publicity Chair
Nikhil Jain
Daily Highlights Coordinator
Ian Sellers
Registration Chair
Laura Schelhas
Presentations and Publications Chair
Jeremiah McNatt
Tutorials Chair
Mike Scarpulla
Posters Chair
Claus Zimmerman
Awards Chair
Annick Anctil
Graduate Student Coordinator
Stephanie Tomasulo
High School Program Chair
Ammar Nayfeh
(Khalifa University)
High School Program Co-Chair
Michelle Jourdan
(Arizona State U)
Social Program Chair
Judy Schneider
Social Program co-Chair
Julie Wilt
Sun Run
Lawrence Kazmerski
Deputy Sun Run
Martha Lenio
Women in PV Coordinator
Silvana Ayala Pelaez
Minority Carriers Coordinator
Lyndsey McMillon-Brown
PV Jobs Chair
Woojun Yoon
Stephen Polly
IEEE EDS Operations Director
Laura Riello
IEEE EDS VP of Conferences
Kazu Ishimaru
IEEE EDS President
Ravi Todi
JPV Liaison
Angus Rockett
(Colorado Sch. of Mines)
Committee Records
John Benner
Cherry Committee Chair
Seth Hubbard
Area 1
Elisa Antolin
Area 2
Mirjam Theelen
Area 3
Ken Schmieder
Area 4
Nazir Kherani
Area 5
Paul Ndione
Area 6
Jeffrey Christians
Area 7
Chris Zhe Liu
Area 8
Karl-Anders Weiss
Area 9
Fernanda Trinidad
Area 10
Marius Peters
Area 11
Brittany Smith