On behalf of the Technical Program Committee, we are honored to invite you to submit an abstract on your latest achievements in photovoltaic (PV) research, development, and applications to the 47th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC-47). The PVSC-47 endeavors to cover all aspects of PV science and technology, and caters to the full spectrum of knowledge and innovation from basic science to electricity delivered to the customer. PVSC-47 aims to be a highly interactive venue for both seasoned PV experts as well as entry-level professionals and students. The conference provides a unique opportunity to meet, share and discuss PV-related developments in a timely and influential forum. Please contribute to the PVSC's tradition as a premier international conference on the science and technology that can contribute toward a world powered largely by PV systems.
To have your paper considered for presentation at the PVSC-47, please submit:
Abstract submission is via the PVSC-47 website at http://www.ieee-pvsc.org/ePVSC. Evaluation abstracts are expected to be detailed enough to allow a thorough technical review. Please follow the suggested format, a template has been provided at the conference website for your convenience. This year’s call also includes several cross cutting themes (joint sessions- indicated in red) that span across the traditional PVSC 12 technical Areas. The program of the 47th IEEE PVSC will have a special focus on ‘towards 100% renewable electricity’ with an excellent plenary speaker and interactive joint sessions. When submitting an abstract in response to these topics please select the Area that best fits the nature of the investigation proposed in your abstract. Abstracts submitted to joint sessions will be evaluated by the same group of reviewers.
The deadline for electronic submission of the abstracts is January 27th, 2020 at midnight Pacific Standard Time (UTC - 8 hours). Contributing authors will be notified of the acceptance status of their papers after March 18, 2020. For visa applications, an invitation letter can be issued once you either register or submit an abstract for the conference. We will also ask authors to confirm that they will be able to present their work at the conference and upload their final manuscript by the due date of June 12th, 2020 for publication in the conference proceedings.”
On behalf of the Technical Program Committee we look forward to welcoming and meeting with you at the PVSC-47 in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Arno Smets |
Tyler Grassman |