It is my pleasure to invite you to attend the virtual 2020 IEEE Photovoltaics Specialists Conference! This year the virtual PVSC (v.PVSC) will be held from June 15 to August 21st, 2020. We hope that the v.PVSC will be a means to allow the photovoltaics community to continue to share our research and connect with each other during these difficult times. While we are still finalizing many details, the basic elements of the v.PVSC will be as follows:
- Most conference technical activities (talks, tutorials, plenaries) will be available as a part of this year’s v.PVSC. Talks and plenaries will be asynchronous, however we are planning to hold several live panels during the week of the conference. We aim to have everything online by the original start of the conference (June 15th) and talks will remain viewable over the summer through August 21st.
- Decisions on your submitted abstracts will be released the week of April 27th. Presentations should be recorded in Powerpoint. Presentation types include 15 min standard talks, 30 min extended talks and posters that will include an optional 5 min talk. Details will be given in the invitation letter.
- Registration will be available through August 15th. Tentative registration rates for the virtual event will be $175 for IEEE members and $25 for IEEE student members (non-member rates will be $275 and $75, respectively). We will open the registration in the next two weeks. Anyone who registered so far for the physical conference will be given the option to receive a full refund.
- You can still submit an abstract to present at v.PVSC this year. The Late News deadline will be extended until June 5th.
- Since your presentations will not remain online indefinitely, some record will be required for the Conference Proceedings, that will be published in IEEE Xplore. You are still welcome to submit a 6-8 page full conference proceedings. However, we understand your work may have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, so shorter or very brief (1-2 page) summaries of your work are also acceptable.
The Organizing and Cherry Committee are looking forward to welcoming you to the first ever virtual Photovoltaics Specialists Conference. Should you have any questions, you may reach out to us at
[email protected].
Please stay well and take care of yourself and one another.
Seth Hubbard
PVSC-47 General Chair
Arno Smets
PVSC-47 Program Chair