A hot carrier solar cell is a device that offers the potential to reduce thermalization losses in the material and could potentially double the efficiency of single junction solar cells (30% to > 60%), which would be a significant breakthrough for the photovoltaics community. Although these hot carrier devices have been the source of a considerable amount of research over the last 10 to 15 years, the realization of a practical solution to this challenging problem has thus far eluded researchers. In this topical discussion, several experts in the community will discuss the evolution of this field. Specifically, recent progress towards the realization of hot carrier solar cells in which several experimental works have demonstrated the potential of such systems. Despite this progress several significant challenges remain. It is expected this new progress and the outlook for this field in general, will stimulate considerable debate from both the panel and the wider live audience.
Ian Sellers received his Bachelor’s degree from the Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering at the University of Liverpool in 1999, a Master Degree from the Dept. of Physics at Imperial College London in 2001, and a Ph.D. in Physics from the University of Sheffield in 2004. Between 2004 and 2008, Dr. Sellers held postdoctoral positions in France and the United States. In 2008, Dr. Sellers joined the Solar Energy and Technology Group as a Senior Research Scientist at Sharp Laboratories of Europe in Oxford, UK where, he was also a Visiting Academic Fellow in the Department of Materials at the University of Oxford. Dr. Sellers returned to the Academic environment in 2011 taking a position at the University of Oklahoma. In addition to being an Associate and Ted S. Webb Presidential Professor in Physics and Engineering Physics, Dr. Sellers is also the Associate Director of the Oklahoma Photovoltaics Research Institute. Dr. Sellers’ group is focused on the development and investigation of novel quantum-engineered materials and devices for next generation photovoltaics.
Professor Gavin Conibeer received his BSc degree from Queen Mary College London in Materials Science; MSc from the University of North London in Polymer Science; and PhD from Southampton University, UK, in III-V semiconductors. Conibeer has published 2 books, 8 book chapters, 208 journal papers and 59 refereed conference papers, has a 50 H-index and has secured over A$12M of research funding. Conibeer’s group at the University of New South Walesconsists of 7 PhD students, 2 postdocs and 2 senior research fellows with interests in advanced concepts for photovoltaics, hot carrier solar cells, quantum dot solar cells, photovoltaic applications in space and photo electrolysis for solar fuels.
Stephen M. Goodnick is currently David and Darleen Ferry Professor of Electrical Engineering at Arizona State University. He received his Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from Colorado State University, Fort Collins, in 1983, respectively. He was an Alexander von Humboldt Fellow with the Technical University of Munich, Munich, Germany, and the University of Modena, Modena, Italy, in 1985 and 1986, respectively. He served as Chair and Professor of Electrical Engineering with Arizona State University, Tempe, from 1996 to 2005. He served as Associate Vice President for Research for Arizona State University from 2006-2008, and presently serves as Deputy Director of ASU Lightworks. He was also a Hans Fischer Senior Fellow with the Institute for Advanced Studies at the Technical University of Munich (2013-2017). Professionally, he served as President (2012-2013) of the IEEE Nanotechnology Council, and served as President of IEEE Eta Kappa Nu Electrical and Computer Engineering Honor Society Board of Governors, 2011-2012. Some of his main research contributions include analysis of surface roughness at the Si/SiO2 interface, Monte Carlo simulation of ultrafast carrier relaxation in quantum confined systems, global modeling of high frequency and energy conversion devices, full-band simulation of semiconductor devices, transport in nanostructures, and fabrication and characterization of nanoscale semiconductor devices. He has published over 450 journal articles, books, book chapters, and conference proceeding, and is a Fellow of IEEE (2004) for contributions to carrier transport fundamentals and semiconductor devices.
Jean Francois (JF) Guillemoles is a CNRS Research Director, head of the Institut Photovoltaȉque d’Ile-de-France joint lab (CNRS- E. Polytechnique- ENSCP-EDF-TOTAL- AirLiquide), Paris-Saclay (France) aiming at the development of photovoltaics. He is currently active on high efficiency concepts for solar energy conversion (Hot Carriers, Intermediate Band, Multi-junctions, Nanophotonics), luminescence-based characterization techniques (esp. Hyperspectral imaging), and modeling of photovoltaic materials and devices. He is author/co-author of more than 400 publications (peer-reviewed papers, book chapters, patents, proceedings …) and editor for Progress in Photovoltaics (Wiley) and EPJPV (EDP).
Louise C. Hirst is a University of Cambridge lecturer, joint between the Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy and the Department of Physics. She obtained her PhD from Imperial College London in 2013 on hot-carrier spectroscopy in quantum confined systems, before becoming a National Academy of Sciences Research Associate, Karles Fellow and Staff Scientist within the Optoelectronics and Radiation Effects Branch of the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory in Washington DC. Dr. Hirst moved to Cambridge in 2018 and her current research focuses on novel high efficiency photovoltaic concepts, with a particular focus on space power systems.
Dr. Arthur J. Nozik is a Research Professor at the University of Colorado, Boulder, Sr. Research Fellow, Emeritus at the U.S DOE National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), and Fellow of the CU-NREL Renewable Energy Institute (RASEI); Nozik has also been the Associate Director of a joint Los Alamos National Lab/NREL Energy Frontier Research Center for Advanced Solar Photo physics. Nozik received his BChE from Cornell University in 1959 and his PhD in Physical Chemistry from Yale University in 1967. Dr. Nozik's research interests include size quantization and hot carrier effects in semiconductor quantum dots and quantum wells, including hot carrier solar cells and multiple exciton generation from a single photon. He has investigated the applications of unique quantum effects in nanostructures for advanced approaches for solar photon conversion to electricity and solar fuels; photogenerated carrier relaxation dynamics in various semiconductor nanostructures; photo electrochemistry of semiconductor-molecule interfaces; photoelectrochemical energy conversion, photo catalysis; optical, magnetic and electrical properties of solids; and Mössbauer spectroscopy. He has published over 275 papers and book chapters in these fields with greater than 43,000 citations, written or edited 7 books, holds 11 U.S. patents, and has delivered over 385 invited talks at universities, conferences, and symposia. He has received many awards in solar energy research including the Cross Medal of the Yale Graduate School, the Eni Award (from President of Italy); the Heinz Gerischer Award and the Research Award of the Electrochemical Society; the Esselen Award for Chemistry in the Public Interest from the American Chemical Society (Harvard Section), the Research Award of the U.N. Intergovernmental Renewable Energy Organization, and the Thomson Reuters (Clariyate Analytica) Highly Cited Researcher Designation in 2014 in Chemistry and in 2018 in Physics. Dr. Nozik has been a Senior Editor of The Journal of Physical Chemistry for 12 years and has served on the editorial boards of many journals. A Special Festschrift Issue of The Journal of Physical Chemistry honoring Dr. Nozik’s scientific career appeared in a December 2006 issue and a special Research Symposium was held in his honor at the University of Colorado in 2016. Dr. Nozik is a Fellow of the American Physical Society, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and the Royal Society of Chemistry; he is also a member of the ACS, the ECS and the MRS.