About PVSC

Organizing Committee

Conference Chair
Sarah Kurtz
(U.C. Merced)

Past Chair
Alexandre Freundlich
(U. Houston)

Deputy Conference Chair/Secretary
Seth Hubbard

Bill Shafarman
(Univ. of Delaware)

Finance Chair
Jessica Lotito

Operations Chair
Sylvain Marsillac
(Old Dominion U.)

Program Chair
Mariana Bertoni
(Arizona State U)

Deputy Program Chair
Arno Smets
(T.U. Delft)

Exhibits & Sponsorship Chair
David Wilt

Exhibits & Sponsorship Co-Chair
John Park
(MKS Instruments)

Coordinator Exhibits & Corporate Sponsors
Tracy Tarant

Deputy Non-Profit/NGO Sponsorship Co-Chair
Ammar Nayfeh
(Khalifa University)

Deputy Student Sponsorship Co-Chair
Richard King
(Arizona State U)

Co-Deputy Student Sponsorship Co-Chair
Christiana Honsberg
(Arizona State U)

Robert Walters
(Packet Digital)

Pete Sheldon

Publicity Chair
Stephen Polly

Deputy Publicity Chair
Geoffrey Bradshaw

Daily Highlights Coordinator
Ned Ekins-Daukes

Registration Chair
Christopher Bailey
(Old Dominion U.)

Deputy Registration Chair
Ian Sellers

Presentations and Publications Chair
Claus Zimmerman

Deputy Presentations and Publications Chair
Myles Steiner

Tutorials Chair
Angus Rockett
(Colorado Sch. of Mines)

Deputy Tutorials Chair
Ammar Nayfeh
(Khalifa University)

Tutorials Advisory Counselor
Stephanie Tomasulo

Posters Chair
Chris Deline

Deputy Posters Chair
Karin Hinzer

Awards Chair
Myles Steiner

Deputy Awards Chair
Stephanie Tomasulo

Graduate Student Coordinator
Geoffray Bradshaw

Deputy Graduate Student Coordinator
Claus Zimmerman

Conference Photographer
Angele Reinders

Conference Photographer
Angus Rockett
(Colorado Sch. of Mines)

High School Program Chair
Peter Bermel

High School Outreach Coordinator
Michelle Jordan
(Arizona State U)

Deputy High School Program Chair
Christopher Bailey
(Old Dominion U.)

Social Program Chair
Ann Marie Creighton

Deputy Social Chair
Celeste Raffaelle

Sun Run
Lawrence Kazmerski

Women in PV Coordinator
Emily Warren

Deputy Women in PV Coordinator
Peichen Yu

PV Jobs Chair
Nikhil Jain
(Alta Devices)

PV Jobs Chair for Europe
Wilfried van Sark
(U. Utrecht)

Silvana Ayala Pelaez

Stephen Polly

Deputy Webmaster
Brent Nelson

IEEE EDS Operations Director
James Skowrenski

EDS Executive VP-Conferences
Ravi Todi

IEEE EDS President
Fernando Guarin

JPV Liaison
Tim Anderson
(U. Massachussets)

Committee Records
John Benner

PVSC Representative to WCPEC IAC
Lawrence Kazmerski

Cherry Committee Chair
David Carlson

European PVSEC Liaison
Heinz Ossenbrink

Cherry Award Committee Chair
Pierre Verlinden

Program Committee

Area 1
Jeremy Munday
(U. of Maryland)

Area 2
Mike Scarpulla

Area 3
Adele Tamboli

Area 4
Gianluca Coletti
(ECN part of TNO, UNSW)

Area 5
Laurent Lombez

Area 6
Philip Schulz

Area 7
Claus Zimmerman

Area 8
Max Koentopp

Area 9
Wilfried van Sark

Area 10
Brian Johnson
(U. Washington)

Area 11
Jan Kleissl

Area 12
Izumi Kaizuka

About PVSC

Latest News

Technical Sponsors