Technical Program

Late News Abstract Invitation from the Program Chair

Alex.jpgAs a testimony to PVSC’s premier international conference dimension and as a part of our regular call for paper we received over 1000 submissions from 44 countries. The Program Committee has already selected and scheduled more than 900 presentations across 102 Keynote, Plenary, Oral and Poster sessions.

Now and on behalf of the Program Committee, it is my pleasure to invite you to submit an abstract on your post-regular deadline achievements in photovoltaics to the 42nd IEEE PVSC and to seize a unique opportunity to share and discuss these developments in a timely and influential forum.  

This year, in addition to offering authors of high quality “Late News” abstracts with presentation opportunities in our highly interactive poster sessions, the Program Committee has set aside few openings to make the option for an oral presentation available to authors of exceptional breakthroughs.

To have your paper considered for a “Late News” presentation at the 42nd PVSC, please submit a 3-page evaluation abstract, and a short abstract of no more than 300 words in length for display on the PVSC website.  Evaluation abstracts are expected to be detailed enough to allow a competent technical review.  Please follow the suggested format, a template has been provided at the conference website for your convenience. Abstract submission is via the 42nd PVSC website at “” by using your user name and password. Please carefully follow the instructions provided to upload your abstract successfully.

We are also continuing the option of offering authors who submit particularly high quality Late News evaluation abstracts an opportunity to directly submit a manuscript to the IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics. This path allows authors to enjoy both the PVSC conference experience as well as publishing their work in a high impact journal.

The deadline for electronic submission of the Late News abstracts is April 10th, 2015 at midnight Pacific Standard Time (UTC - 8 hours). Late News contributing authors will be notified of the acceptance status of their papers after April 20th, 2015. For visa applications, an invitation letter will be issued at that time.  We will also ask authors to confirm that they will be able to present their work at the conference and upload their manuscript by the due date of June 1, 2015 for publication in the conference proceedings.

I look forward to welcoming you to the 42nd IEEE-PVSC in New Orleans.

Warmest Regards,

Alexandre Freundlich,

Program Chair, 42nd IEEE-PVSC


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