Events at PVSC

SERIIUS Reception and Meeting

Wednesday, June 17th | 6:00 -7:30 PM (Celestin GH (Level 3))

IEEE PVSC Open Reception and Meeting for the
Solar Energy Research Institute for India and the US (SERIIUS)
Wednesday, June 17th, 6-7:30pm
Meeting Room Celestin GH (Level 3) at the Hyatt Regency New Orleans
Networking: 6:00 pm
Program: 6:30 pm

IEEE PVSC OPEN SERIIUS Reception and Meeting

You are cordially invited to a Solar Energy Research Institute for India and the US (SERIIUS) Reception and Meeting for Business on Wednesday, June 17th, from 6pm – 7:30 pm in Meeting Room Celestin GH (Level 3) at the Hyatt Regency New Orleans.

This meeting is open to all who are interested. You do not need to be a member of SERIIUS to attend.

Networking and Brief Meeting for Business

Join us at 6pm for socializing (cash bar available), followed by a brief presentation from the Managing Director of SERIIUS in India, Dr. Pradip Dutta from the Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore, at 6:30pm, with more socializing and discussions following the talks.

6:00 pm:  Socializing/Networking featuring SERIIUS posters
6:30 pm:  SERIIUS Overview (Dr. Pradip Dutta)
6:45 pm:  Sustainable Photovoltaics (Dr. Juzer Vasi, Dr. Maikel van Hest)
7:00 pm:  Multiscale Concentrating Solar Power (Dr. Pradip Dutta)
7:15 pm:  Solar Energy Integration (Dr. Aimee Curtright, Dr. Mridula Dixit)

Please RSVP to Marisa Howe at [email protected] by June 12th.




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