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Manuscript Submission

The deadline for submission of ACCEPTED manuscripts is June 1, 2015 (11:59PM your local time). If the manuscript is not submitted by the June 1, 2015 deadline, presentation and publication will not be permitted. In addition, no manuscript will be published without presentation at the conference. PVSC FOLLOWS A STRICT NO PAPER-NO PODIUM AND NO PODIUM-NO PAPER RULE.

Please follow the instructions below to complete the submission process:

Step 1:
Prepare your manuscript. Your final submission must use either the PVSC 2015 MS Word template or the equivalent LATeX template (ZIP). For other unsupported word processing systems please follow the official manuscript guidelines (PDF).

Please remove all page numbers from your manuscript.
There is a six(6)-page and a 1-Megabyte file size limit on all submittals. You must follow the IEEE two-column format specified in the template or your submission will be rejected.

Step 2: Register for Conference
(Early Deadline May 5, 2015)

Step 3: Upload Full Manuscript (All presenters, both oral and poster)
(Deadline June 1, 2015)
Go to the submission web site and follow the step-by-step procedures provided.

Step 4: Sign Copyright
(Deadline by June 1, 2015)
Copyright transfer is required and can only be carried out electronically.

Step 5: Prepare Poster or Oral Presentation
Poster Presenters may click here for additional information
Oral Presenters may click here for additional information

Step 6: Proof Conference Proceedings Version of Final Manuscript
(Deadline July 20, 2015)
This will be available on the conference web site starting June 23, 2015.

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