PVSC Awards

William R. Cherry Award


Dr. Christiana Honsberg, Distinguished Professor of Electrical Engineering and Director of the Solar Power Laboratory at the Arizona State University, will be receiving the Cherry Award in recognition for her multiple contributions to the advancement of photovoltaics. Her notable contributions include the pioneering of advanced PV concepts ranging from the development of a generalized thermodynamic theory for determining efficiency limits of solar cells to making seminal advances in the understanding of intermediate band, interband and quantum well approaches. Dr. Honbserg is also a co-inventor of the so-called “Very High Efficiency Solar Cell (VHESC)” that combines optical/solar cell architectures that produced a sum-of-the efficiencies result of 42.8%, she has contributed to the advancement of III-Nitride solar cells, and she is responsible for inventing and licensing of methods to produce high performance Si solar cells. Dr. Honsberg is also the co-developer of the popular PV CDROM educational online course that is now widely used in solar cell education at universities across the world. Prof. Honsberg also serves as Director and Lead Investigator to the first US multi-Institutional Engineering Research Center (ERC) on Photovoltaics that is jointly supported by the U.S. National Science Foundation and the U.S. Department of Energy, and where she leads and coordinates the ERC’s R&D efforts across some 30 national and International academic and industry partners with a focus on enabling solutions to harness thesolar power in economically more viable and sustainable ways. Prof. Honsberg will deliver her Cherry Award acceptance talk on Monday June 15 at 11:30 during the Conference Opening Keynote Session.





Please note that, in order to deconflict from the abstract submission deadline, the Awards Committee has extended the submission deadline for both the Cherry Award and the Young Professional Award to February 10.

About the Award

This award is named in honor of William R. Cherry, a founder of the photovoltaic community. In the 1950's, he was instrumental in establishing solar cells as the ideal power source for space satellites and for recognizing, advocating, and nurturing the use of photovoltaic systems for terrestrial applications. The William R. Cherry award was instituted in l980, shortly after his death. The purpose of the award is to recognize an individual engineer or scientist who devoted a part of their professional life to the advancement of the science and technology of photovoltaic energy conversion. The nominee must have made significant contributions to the science and/or technology of PV energy conversion, with dissemination by substantial publications and presentations. Professional society activities, promotional and/or organizational efforts and achievements are not considerations in the election for the award.

Award Package

The award consists of a plaque, monetary award, recognition at the PVSC Opening Ceremony and a dedicated Cherry Award Talk during the Opening Ceremony. In addition, a reception is held in honor of the Cherry Award winner during the PVSC.

Rules & Eligibility

  • Nominee must be a scientist or engineer who has made significant contributions to the science and/or technology of PV energy conversion, with dissemination by substantial publications and presentations.
  • Nominees are not required to be members of IEEE or EDS.
  • Nominees from any country and institution are eligible.
  • Nominees are expected to have prior contributions to the PVSC.
  • Previous recipients of the Cherry Award are not eligible.
  • Self-nominations will not be accepted.
  • A nomination will remain active for 3 award cycles, after which a new nomination may be submitted.

Nomination Package Requirements

  • Complete Electronic Nomination Form with name of nominee, and his/her current affiliation and contact information.
  • Nominator's name, address, phone number and e-mail address.
  • A rationale (less than 150 words) of the nominee's contributions to the advancement of the PV field.
  • A citation (less that 40 words) listing the nominee's specific contributions to make them deserving of the award.
  • A list of the nominee's activities in the field.
  • A current CV for the nominee.

Questions? Contact the Cherry Committee Awards Chair [email protected]



Ryne Raffaelle, Cherry Committee Chair
Rochester Institute of Technology

Sarah Kurtz, Award Chair
National Renewable Energy Laboratory

BJ Stanbery, Award Co-Chair
HelioVolt Corporation

David Wilt, Award Co-Chair
U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory

Tim Anderson
University of Florida

Charles Backus
ASU Research Park

Sheila G. Bailey
NASA Glenn Research Center

Allen M. Barnett
University of New South Wales

Paul Basore
National Renewable Energy Laboratory

John Benner

Henry W. Brandhorst, Jr.
Auburn University

David E. Carlson
BP Solar

Timothy Coutts
National Renewable Energy Laboratory

Keith Emery
National Renewable Energy Laboratory

Dennis J. Flood
North Coast Initiatives Ltd.

Americo F. Forestieri
MOE Consulting

Martin A. Green
University of New South Wales

Lawrence L. Kazmerski
National Renewable Energy Laboratory

Richard R. King
Spectrolab, Inc.

Sarah Kurtz
National Renewable Energy Laboratory

John D. Meakin
University of Delaware

Jerry Olson
National Renewable Energy Laboratory

Eugene Ralph
PV consulting

Ajeet Rohatgi
Georgia Institute of Technology

Richard J. Schwartz
Purdue University

Robert J. Walters
Naval Research Laboratory

Stuart Wenham
University of South Wales

Christopher R. Wronski
Pennsylvania State University

Masafumi Yamaguchi
Toyota Technical Institute

Previous Recipients

Dr. Paul Rappaport 1980

Dr. Joseph L. Loferski 1981

Prof. Martin Wolf 1982

Dr. Henry W. Brandhors
t 1984

Mr. Eugene L. Ralph

Dr. Charles E. Backus

Dr. David E. Carlson 1988

Dr. Martin A. Green 1990

Mr. Peter A. Iles 1991

Dr. Lawrence L. Kazmerski 1993

Prof. Yoshihiro Hamakawa

Dr. Allen M. Barnett

Dr. Adolf Goetzberger

Dr. Richard J. Schwartz 1998

Dr. Christopher R. Wronski 2000

Dr. Richard M. Swanson 2002

Dr. Ajeet Rohatgi 2003

Dr. Timothy J. Coutts 2005

Dr. Antonio Luque

Dr. Masafumi Yamaguchi

Dr. Stuart Wenham 2009

Dr. Richard R. King 2010

Dr. Jerry M. Olson 2011

Dr. Sarah Kurtz 2012

Dr. Keith Emery 2013

Dr. Ronald A. Sinton 2014

PVSC Awards

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