Student Awards

PVSC Student Award Winners

38th PVSC, Austin, TX June 3-8, 2012

Area 1, Fundamentals and New Concepts for Future Technologies:
Hiromasa Fujii

Area 2, Thin Film Polycrystalline Photovoltaics:
James Moore

Area 3, III-V & Concentrator Technologies:
Kyusang Lee

Area 4, Crystalline Silicon Photovoltaics:
Maxime Forster

Area 5, Thin Film Silicon based PV technologies:
Dominic Gerlach

Area 6, Organic Photovoltaics:
Kejia Li

Area 7, Space Technologies:
Akhil Mehrotra

Area 8, PV Characterization:
Puruswottam Aryal

Area 9, PV Modules & Terrestrial Systems:
Matthew Lave

Area 10, PV Velocity Forum:
No Winner


At the 38th PVSC, the PVSC Student Award will once again be given to those students that deliver outstanding presentations within each area To be eligible for the PVSC Student Award you must complete the Student Award Application. The Student Award Application submission deadline is February 6, the same day as the abstract submission deadline. We strongly encourage you to review the student award selection process to ensure you complete the necessary application requirements on time. We will not accept late Student Award Applications.

Student Award Checklist

  1. Prepare your extended abstract for submission
  2. Prepare your Research Statement (this is described below, also refer to the selection criteria to ensure key information is provided)
  3. Submit abstract
    1. If advisor submits abstract obtain abstract number, (you will have the option to submit your application at a later time).
    2. You don’t need to be first author but you must be the presenting author
    3. Request a oral presentation since poster presentations are no longer eligible for the Best Student Presentation Award
  4. Complete student award application by filling in information and uploading Research Statement on website during abstract submission.
  5. Your abstract and application will be reviewed and the top 2-5 applicants will be selected as finalists in each AREA.
  6. If you are identified as a finalist, you will be notified and your abstract will be accepted for oral presentation
  7. Accept the invitation to present an oral presentation and be reviewed as a Student Award Finalist
  8. Should you accept, your status as a finalist will be indicated in the Yellow Book!
  9. You will be reviewed by multiple judges during your presentation
  10. The winner will be acknowledged during the closing session.
  11. The winner will receive a plaque and $200 cash award.

Research Statement

A research statement is to be uploaded as a part of the student award application and will be used as supplementary information to the submitted abstract to determine the finalists in each area for the Student Award. This research statement is limited to one (1) page and should:

  1.  Summarize your research objectives and how the research you plan to present supports these objectives.
  2.  Provide details regarding your specific contributions to research you plan to present.


  1. You must be the presenting author of the abstract submitted for review.
  2. You must complete application before deadline.
  3. You must present you work as an oral presentation at the conference during your scheduled presentation time.
  4. You must be currently enrolled as an undergraduate or graduate student until February 6, 2012.

Criteria for Selection

Finalist Determination

  1. Excellence in submitted abstract including novelty, advancement to status of field, broader impact of research
  2. Demonstrated knowledge of topic area and significant contribution to current work as described in Research Statement

Winner Determination (based on presentation, application, and abstract)

  1. Significance of Results: novelty of work, advancement of field, thoroughness of work, accuracy of analysis.
  2. Clarity of Presentation Material: Usefulness of written and graphical information, efficient use of graphics / figures to convey complex information, logical flow of results, aesthetics of presentation slides.
  3. Mastery of topic: Knowledge of topic demonstrated in oral delivery and in answering questions.
  4. Oral Presentation: Organized summary of work is provided including the necessary background, description of approach, description of results, and conclusions; knowledgeable of presented research and its relation to the state of field; succinctness, efficient use of time.