On-time abstract submission is now closed. CLICK HERE to access the Online Submission System to complete any in progress submissions by February 15, 2012..
Short Abstract Format
The Short Abstract should give a brief summary of the topics and main conclusions of the paper and presentation, and must be 300 words or fewer in length. The Short Abstract will be viewable for accepted papers at the PVSC website, and will be linked to the paper title in the Conference Program to give conference goers more detail on your paper, and help plan which technical sessions to attend.
Evaluation Document Format (Download Stylesheet in Word Format)
The 3-page Evaluation Document is the most essential part of your abstract submission, since it is the part that will be reviewed by the Program Committee. To help them with their assessment of your paper, please make sure that your Evaluation Document is no more than 3 pages in length, and includes these main points:
Evaluation documents are limited to 3 pages and the file must be uploaded in PDF format. A link to the suggested format for the evaluation abstract is shown below.
Download Suggested Evaluation Abstract Formatting (Word Format)
CLICK HERE to Submit Your Abstract
Author Notification Timeline
Contributing authors will be notified of the acceptance status of their papers after March 10, 2012. For visa applications an invitation letter will be issued at that time. Upon acceptance, we ask all authors to confirm that they will be able to present their work at the conference, and upload their manuscript by the due date of May 21, 2012 (2 weeks before the conference) for publication in the conference proceedings. High quality abstracts submitted to the PVSC may be offered a streamlined process for turning their PVSC presentation into a peer-reviewed IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics publication. Details of this process can be found here.