On behalf of the Technical Program Committee, I am honored to invite you to submit an abstract on your latest achievements in photovoltaics research, development, and applications to the 39th IEEE PVSC. The PVSC endeavors to cover all aspects of photovoltaics technology, including the latest in device performance, new module encapsulation technologies, novel characterization techniques, knowledge gained from field experiences, or new PV material science. Basically if it’s new and it’s PV related, we encourage you to submit your work here. The chance to share and discuss these important PV developments in a timely and influential forum is what the PVSC is all about. Please contribute to the PVSC's tradition as the premier international conference on the science and technology of photovoltaics.
For PVSC39, we have expanded the number of technical areas to eleven (11), adding a new cross-technology area focused on Reliability of PV, headed up by Dr. Sarah Kurtz of NREL (Area 10). As the PV industry has grown, it has become increasingly critical to have confidence in the long-term performance of the GWs of PV, representing enormous financial investment. This topic cuts across all PV technologies and throughout the supply chain.
To have your paper considered for presentation at the 39th PVSC, please submit a 3-page evaluation abstract, and a short abstract of no more than 300 words in length for display on the PVSC website. Evaluation abstracts are expected to be detailed enough to allow a competent technical review. A suggested format has been provided at the conference website for your convenience. The preferred way to submit your abstract is via the 39th PVSC website at www.ieee-pvsc.org. Log in with your user name and password and carefully follow the instructions provided to upload your abstract successfully.
Submission to the IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics (J-PV): We are continuing the very popular option of offering authors who submit particularly high quality PVSC review abstracts, as evaluated by the program committee, an opportunity to directly submit a manuscript to J-PV. This path allows authors to bring their peer reviewed journal quality research to the PVSC and enjoy both the PVSC conference experience as well as receiving a peer review citation from a highly regarded journal. Manuscripts accepted to J-PV will be published in J-PV as well as included in the conference proceedings DVD.
The deadline for electronic submission of the abstracts is February 4, 2013 at midnight Pacific Standard Time (UTC - 8 hours). Contributing authors will be notified of the acceptance status of their papers after March 25, 2013. For visa applications, an invitation letter will be issued at that time. We will also ask authors to confirm that they will be able to present their work at the conference and upload their manuscript by the due date of June 10, 2013 (1 week before the conference) for publication in the conference proceedings. Thank you for your participation in the PVSC!
David M. Wilt
Program Chair, 39th PVSC