Graduate Student Assistants for the 39th PVSC

The role of the GSA includes such responsibilities as sitting in on sessions to help the session chair in the event of technical failure, helping out in the speaker ready room or providing general assistance to conference attendees. They will be expected to work between 15 and 18 hours over the course of the week. This can be a very rewarding experience as GSAs have the opportunity to interact with many of the conference attendees, as well as get to know all the other students in the program.

Successful applicants will receive:

Complimentary conference registration ($150 value)
Stipend of $500 to help with travel and lodging costs.

The deadline for accepting applications has passed. Selected students will be notified on or about April 30, 2013.

Thanks for your interest and we look forward to seeing you in Tampa!

Dr. Kyle Montgomery
Graduate Student Coordinator
University of California, Davis
[email protected]

Susan Spencer
Graduate Student Team Leader
Rochester Institute of Technology
[email protected]