Calling All Photovoltaic Enthusiasts for the High School Photovoltaic Design Competition
On behalf of the 44rd IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference Committee, we are continuing our tradition of holding a solar design competition. The competition will be held amongst teams of high school students and their teachers/mentors from the DC metro area. The teams are forming now and getting ready for the display as part of Solar Day (Sunday, June 25). This is an excellent opportunity for our PV specialists and students to engage each other and spread the knowledge of PV.
During the time leading up to the PVSC, the design teams will be building and testing their chosen systems with support from our PVSC community. This is an exciting time for all of us, PV specialists, to watch, as the thoughts and ideas of these young scientists and engineers form into reality. We are very much looking forward to hearing stories from our PV specialists of how they are being inspired by our students for new research ideas, and from our students are being inspired to continue their PV research.
At the conference, the High School Design teams will occupy a dedicated section on the floor during Solar Day (Sunday, June 25). Solar Day will be an awesome opportunity for the students and teachers to interact with scientists, engineers, and entrepreneurs from all facets of PV. You can see photos of the High School PV Completion from last year’s PVSC-43 in Portland. The year, the High School teams participating in Solar Day will be judged with the opportunity to win 1st prize of $1,000, 2nd prize of $750, and 3rd prize of $500. The awards will be announced at the end of Solar Day, and the team finalists will have the opportunity to keep their projects on display at the exhibition hall on Monday and Tuesday for the 1,000+ photovoltaics experts attending the collocated PVSC conference.
So, please look out for the demonstrations at Solar Day!
For more information, please contact [email protected] .