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Oral Presenter Information

Thank you for participating in the IEEE PVSC as an Oral Presenter!  As an Oral Presenter, the following lists your responsibilities:

  • Be sure to upload your manuscript (Download Manuscript Instruction / Stylesheet), following the guidelines on the PVSC website, by May 20, 2016.
  • Electronically sign the Copyright form and BRING A COPY WITH YOU
  • Upload your presentation at least 24 hours prior to your presentation following the guidelines on the A/V company's website (see below).  Bring your presentation on CD-ROM, Compact flash card, Memory Stick, Multi-media card, SD Card, and/or a laptop for transfer.
  • Even if you upload your presentation prior to the conference, be sure to check that it uploaded correctly by reviewing it in the Speaker Ready Room at the conference.  Bring your presentation on CD-ROM, Compact flash card, Memory Stick, Multi-media card, SD Card, and/or a laptop as a backup.
  • Please arrive at your session at least 15 minutes before the scheduled start to coordinate with the session chairs, check that the presentation will display properly, and become familiar with the audio-visual equipment in your room.

REMEMBER: No Paper, No Podium

If your manuscript has not been uploaded, you will not be allowed to present.  If you (or a co-author) do not give your presentation, the manuscript will not be included in the proceedings.

Be sure to check the online program to confirm your presentation time and length!


Guidelines for Computer Generated Presentations

Each speaker can bring their presentation to the Speaker Ready Room on CD-ROM, Compact flash card, Memory Stick, Multi-media card, SD Card, and/or a laptop at least 4 hours prior to the scheduled time of their presentation. Also, speakers can submit their presentation via the PRG Upload Center web site, prior to the meeting.

Checking in to the Speaker Ready Room is the single most important action you will take to ensure your presentation is a success. All speakers are required to check into the Speaker Ready Room at least 4 hours before their presentation. The Speaker Ready Room will be open daily during the conference.

When reviewing your presentation, you should make sure all fonts appear as expected and all sound/video clips are working properly. You will be able to edit your presentation at this time. The file will then be transferred to the computer network at the meeting. When the presentation is to be given, the file will be accessed via the conference menu on the computer in the meeting room. Once the presentation is launched, you (the speaker) will control the program from the podium using a computer mouse. At the end of the meeting, all files will be destroyed, and the computer hard drives will be reformatted.

The computers in the presentation rooms will be Windows-based PCs with Microsoft Power Point 2013 installed. All videos should be an .avi or .mpg (not .mov) format, so they will run properly on the computers provided. Presentations should be reviewed to be certain the fonts are displayed correctly.

For additional information on creating Power Point 2013 presentations or earlier versions, please see the Power Point Help website at

Media Supported

We recommend you bring at least 2 copies of your presentation to the meeting in case there is a problem with one of them. A CD-R, CD-RW, Compact flash card, Memory Stick, Multi-media card or SD Card will be supported.

Ability to Edit PowerPoint Files in Speaker Ready Room

All PowerPoint presentations can be reviewed and edited in the Speaker Ready Room. It is recommended that all presentations be reviewed and edited for final version no less than two hours prior to the beginning of the session in which you are presenting.


- Floppy drives and USB ports on the computers are disabled so no presentations can be copied.

- Cameras and video equipment are not permitted in the Speaker Ready Room.

- All files on the computers are deleted at the end of the conference.

Fonts: We can only support fonts that are included in the base installation of Windows ( Any font other than these will need to be embedded into your PowerPoint presentation. For information on embedding fonts see below. We suggest using the fonts such as Times New Roman, Arial and Tahoma. Use of fonts not included in Windows can lead to words that bleed into graphics or bullets that may be the wrong style.

For general questions, please contact:

James Rut
Production Resource Group
Phone: (254) 722-4742
Fax: (866) 515-6911
E-mail: [email protected]

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