Photovoltaic Specialists Conference
Technical Program

On behalf of the Technical Program Committee, I invite you to submit an abstract on your latest results in photovoltaics research, development, and applications to the 37th IEEE PVSC.  We are in the midst of a crucial time for energy management on our planet.  Environmental, climate change, and energy security concerns are among the most pressing issues we face today.  Clearly, photovoltaics can be part of the solution.  Public awareness is growing that photovoltaics can shape energy use patterns for future generations – much as the automobile transformed transportation within a time span of 50 years – as evidenced by the exponential rise in photovoltaic production over the last decade. 

Final Program Now Available
May 31, 2011

The final program is NOW AVAILABLE. You may access an online e-book version of the PVSC 37 Yellow Book or use the online conference system to view this year's program.


Science and technology developments in PV over the next several years, and their influence on the economics of PV installations, are likely to establish which energy technologies become dominant for decades to come.  The chance to share and discuss these crucial PV developments in a timely and influential forum is what the PVSC is all about.  Please join us in continuing the PVSC's tradition as the premier international conference on the science and technology of photovoltaics. 

Abstracts summarizing original research on all aspects of photovoltaics are encouraged.  The technical sessions are organized into 10 major areas as outlined below.  We have adopted a system of international chairs and co-chairs for each technical area, to further foster international participation and collaboration at the PVSC.

To have your paper considered for presentation at the 37th PVSC, please submit a 3-page evaluation abstract, and a short abstract no more than 300 words in length for display on the PVSC website, by the deadline below.  Other than the 3-page limit, there are no format restrictions on the evaluation abstract, except that it be detailed enough to allow a competent technical review.  The preferred way to submit your abstract is via the 37th PVSC website at .  Click on "Author Central" and please follow the instructions line-by-line to upload your abstract successfully.  If you are unable to submit your abstract or manuscript electronically, please contact Brent Nelson as soon as possible for instructions: 

Brent Nelson, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
1617 Cole Blvd., Golden, CO 80401
[email protected]

The deadline for electronic submission of the 3-page evaluation document and the short abstract of 300 words or less is February 21, 2011, 12:00 midnight Pacific Standard Time (UTC - 8 hours).  Contributing authors will be notified of the acceptance status of their papers after April 4, 2011.  Upon acceptance, we ask all authors to confirm that they will be able to present their work at the conference, and upload their manuscript by the due date of June 6, 2011 (before the conference) for publication in the conference proceedings.  We are pleased to announce that high quality papers will be eligible for inclusion in the newly commissioned IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics.  More details will follow in the near future.   Papers in the PVSC proceedings are searchable and accessible via the internet through the IEEE Xplore® system.  To ensure IEEE Xplore®-compliant proceedings, submit your manuscripts electronically through the website. 

Please join us in making the 37th PVSC the place to be to present and learn about the latest advances in the science, engineering, and applications of photovoltaics!  

Program Chair, 37th PVSC