Step 1: Submit Late-News Paper/Abstract
(Regular Submissions are now closed. Late News Submission Deadline is May 3, 2010)
Thank you for your interest in submitting an abstract to the 35th IEEE PVSC. The deadline for abstract submission has past. Any abstracts submitted now will be considered as Late News submissions. The deadline for Late News submissions is 5/3/2010. Author notification will occur after 5/24/2010. Any abstract accepted as Late News will be presented as a poster at the conference
Also, be sure to review the Technical Areas. To submit your abstract, please visit the Online Submission System.
Step 2: Receive Program Committee Decision and Confirm Presentation
(Deadline March 29, 2010)
Step 3: Register for Conference
(Opens March 29, 2010)
Step 4: Upload Full Manuscript and Sign Online Copyright
(Deadline June 20, 2010)
Log into your author account to both upload your manuscript and sign the online copyright form.
As you prepare your manuscript, please follow the guidelines provided. These guidelines provide a standard look to the proceedings, and also meet IEEE’s requirements. If you do not follow these guidelines, it will delay the publication of the proceedings and may lead to your manuscript not being published, so please cooperate.
You will find available for download a detailed Manuscript Guideline in PDF format, a Manuscript Preparation Template in Word and a Manuscript Preparation Checklist for quick reference to the main style and format requirements. You may upload your document in Word and use the PDF converter on the website or convert it yourself and upload the PDF version.
Manuscript Preparation Guidelines (PDF)
Manuscript Template (DOC)
Please contact us with any issues at [email protected] and we will work to get them resolved. I encourage you to upload your manuscript prior to June 20, 2010 to provide time to address any issues
Step 5: Prepare Poster or Upload Oral Presentation
(Oral presentation upload no later than the day before your presentation)
Presenters may click here for additional information.
Presenters may click here for additional information.
Step 6: Proof Conference Proceedings Version of Final Manuscript
(Deadline July 1, 2010) |