Technical Program

Invited Speakers

Area 1: Stephen Forrest, Vice President for Research, University of Michigan

New opportunities in III-V semiconductor solar cells: Achieving high efficiency at affordable costs

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Area 1: Lars Samuelson, Vice-Director, Center for Nanoscience, Lund University

From basic nanowire science to opportunities in photovoltaics

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Area 2: Paul Haney, Project Leader in the Energy Research Group, National Institute of Standards and Technology

Analytic description of the impact of grain boundaries on Voc (invited)

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Area 2: Wyatt Metzger, Research Staff, CdTe Project Lead, National Renewable Energy Laboratory

Improving CdTe for Photovoltaics

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Area 2: Lars Stolt , Chief Technology Officer, Solibro GmbH

CIGS PV module technology at 17% efficiency and beyond

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Area 2: Xuanzhi Wu , Founder, Advanced Solar Power

Commercialization of Polycrystalline CdTeThin-Flim Solar Cell Technology in ASP

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Area 3: Frank Dimroth, Head of Department, Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy

2-terminal III-V/Si Tandem Solar Cells with > 30 % AM1.5g Efficiency

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Area 3: Michael Haney, Program Director, Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy, US Department of Energy

Can Micro-CPV Technology Change the Paradigm of Flat-Plate PV?

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Area 4: Weiwei Deng, State Key Laboratory of PV Science and Technology, Trina Solar

22.61% Efficient Fully Screen Printed PERC Solar Cell

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Area 5: Uwe Rau, Director, IEF5-Photovoltaics, Forschungszentrum Jülich

Characterization of photovoltaic materials and devices from the atomistic to the module level

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Area 5: Sascha Sadewasser, Staff Researcher, International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory

Nanoscale electronic properties of Cu(In,Ga)Se2 absorber surfaces and absorber/buffer interfaces after alkali post-deposition treatments

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Area 6: David J Jones, Senior Research Associate, University of Melbourne

High Performance Molecular Donors For Organic Solar Cells, Materials Design And Device Optimization

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Area 6: Alex Zunger, Professor, University of Colorado Boulder

Developing an understanding-based selection of hybrid-perovskite compounds and the Cu-In hybrid perovskite (CHIPs) Family

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Area 10: Mahesh Morjaria, Vice President PV Systems Development, First Solar

Advances in Utility-Scale PV Plants: Key Lessons Learned

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Area 11: Anastasios Golnas, Systems Integration, DoE SunShot

Challenges in funding Solar Forecasting RD&D

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Area 12: Vasilis Fthenakis, Director of Center for Life Cycle Analysis, Columbia University

Solar Energy Desalination: Views and Modeling

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Area 12: Chinho Park, Managing Director, Office of Strategic R&D Planning, South Korean Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy (MOTIE)

Recent Developments in Korean PV R&D and Market

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Area 12: Parikhit Sinha, Director, Sustainable Development, First Solar, Inc.

Global Policy on PV End of Life Care

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