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To those of you who attended the 43rd IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference in Portland Oregon June 5th through 10th my thanks for making the conference highly successful.� You presented a great variety of excellent works and made it hard to decide which to attend.� Registered attendees can find the conference papers on the web site here.
To those who did not attend I encourage you to view the proceedings when they are available later this year and hope that you will join us in Washington DC in 2017.� You can find short summaries of the highlights of the conference here.
Some of the things of note about the conference include the following.� Over 1240 people attended the conference this year and over 1000 papers were presented.� Sunday was a day of tutorial lectures with a combined attendance of over 345.� That evening 200 students enjoyed a fun-filled evening at the PunchBowl Social sponsored by the Electron Device Society of the IEEE.� Monday included a reception sponsored by the vendors and Tuesday the Cheery Award Reception celebrated Winner Pierre Verlinden.� Plenary talks were given on a wide range of topics and outstanding technical talks were presented in 12 different technical areas.� Thursday evening the conference banquet was different, being held at the Timbers soccer stadium.� Food, dancing, and a casino provided entertainment for those attending.� Bram Hoex received the Young Professional Award and presented an excellent talk on passivation of Si solar cells.� All around it was a great conference.
I also want to thank my excellent organizing and program committees for their hard work preparing for and running the meeting.� Their efforts made everything run smoothly with fewer issues than any conference I have been involved with previously.� It was an outstanding effort.
I look forward to seeing you next year in Washington DC.
Warmest regards,
Angus Rockett
IEEE PVSC-43 General Chair
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