About PVSC

Organizing Committee

Conference Chair
Angus Rockett

Past Chair
Steve Ringel

Deputy Conference Chair/ Secretary
Angèle Reinders

Alex Freundlich

Finance Chair
Jean Bae

Operations Chair
Arno Smets

Program Chair
Sarah Kurtz

Deputy Program Chair
Seth Hubbard

Exhibits & Sponsorship Chair 
Alex Howard

Exhibits & Sponsorship (Exhibits)
Tracy Tarrant

Exhibits & Sponsorship (Sponsorship)
Marc Landry

Exhibits & Sponsorship (Outreach)
Bill Stueve

Sponsorship C0-Chair
Rob Walters

Publicity Chair
Rebekah Feist

Deputy Publicity Chair
Stephen Bremner

Registration Chair
Pete Sheldon

Presentations and Publications Chair
Jessica Adams

Deputy Presentations and Publications Chair
Chris Bailey

2nd Deputy Presentations and Publications Chair
Christopher Stender

Tutorials Chair
Nicoletta Sorloaica-Hickman

Deputy Tutorials Chair
Erica Brosz

Posters Chair
Jeremiah McNatt

Awards Chair
Kyle Montgomery

Deputy Awards Chair
Geoffrey Bradshaw

Graduate Student Coordinator
Tyler Grassman

Assistant Graduate Student Coordinator
Chris Bailey

High School Program Chair
Dan Friedman

High School Program Co-Chair
Nathan Stoddard

Social Program Chair
Elaine Rockett

Solar Day Chair
Susan Spencer

Deputy Solar Day Chair
Brent Nelson & Stephen Polly

Solar Day Local Co-Chair
Nathan Stoddard

PV Jobs Chair
Jeff Gray

Deputy PV Jobs Chair
Tyler Grassman

Sachit Grover

Deputy Webmaster
Brent Nelson

Sun Run
Larry Kazmerski

IEEE/EDS Representative
John D. Meakin

J-PV Liason
Tim Anderson

Conference Administration
Moe Forestieri

International Committee Chair
Larry Kazmerski

European Co-Chair International Committee
Francesca Ferrazza

Asian Co-Chair International Committee
Masafumi Yamaguchi

S. American Co-Chair International Committee
Antonia Sonia C. Diniz

Program Committee

Program Committee Chair
Sarah Kurtz

Area 1: Fundamentals and New Concepts for Future Technologies

Seth Hubbard

Area 2: Chalcogenide Thin Film Solar Cells
Sylvain Marsillac

Area 3: CPV
Daniel Derkacs

Area 4: Silicon Photovoltaic Materials and Devices
Mariana Bertoni

Area 5: Characterization Methods
Marina Leite

Area 6: Perovskite and Organic Solar Cells
Joey Luther

Area 7: Space and Specialty Technologies
David Wilt

Area 8: PV Modules, Manufacturing, Systems and Applications
Dana Olson

Area 9: PV and System Reliability
Charlie Hasselbrink

Area 10: Power Electronics and Grid Integration
Chris Deline

Area 11: Solar Resource for PV and Forecasting
Skip Dise

Area 12: PV Deployment and Sustainability
Annick Anctil

Area 13: Special Session on PV Reporting Accuracy: PV MythBusters!
Ashraf Alam

About PVSC

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