Invitation from the Chair
It is my great pleasure to invite you to the 40th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference! The PVSC-40 will be held June 8-13, 2014, at the Colorado Convention Center in mile-high Denver, Colorado. Denver is a beautiful city with sunny days for most of the year, and one of strong solar importance, with many PV companies and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory located nearby.
We are in the midst of a crucial time for energy management on our planet. Environmental, climate change, and energy security concerns are among the most pressing issues we face today. Clearly, photovoltaics can be part of the solution. Public awareness is growing that photovoltaics can shape energy use patterns for future generations - much as the automobile transformed transportation within a time span of 50 years - as evidenced by the exponential rise in photovoltaic production over the last decade. Science and technology developments in PV over the next several years, and their influence on the economics of PV installations, are likely to establish which energy technologies become dominant for decades to come.
The purpose of our conference and our efforts to bring the world's brightest PV minds together is essentially an educational mission. Our conference is here to exchange information on the fundamental principles, materials science, fabrication, characterization, and application of solar cells. In this modest way, we strive to create a forum which encourages discovery, advances understanding of all aspects of photovoltaics, and hastens the widespread availability of solar electricity and its multiple environmental, economic, and political benefits for humankind. The chance to share and discuss these crucial PV technologies, and what they mean for accelerating PV deployment, is what the PVSC is all about. Please join us in continuing the PVSC's tradition as the preeminent conference dedicated to the science and technology of photovoltaics!
The Technical Program is divided into 12 areas covering the range of important developments in PV, from fundamentals, materials science, devices, systems and reliability, through policy and PV deployment acceleration. In the PVSC's oral and poster presentations, you'll be able to hear the latest advances and breakthroughs in our field of photovoltaics. Our Technical Area Chairs and Co-Chairs come from all over the globe, and we are excited about making the PVSC an ever more international conference, with major contributions from all the continents of the world.
The Tutorials and Short Courses program, taught by renowned experts in PV, is a great way to learn about a fascinating area of PV that may be new to you, or strengthen your foundation in a PV area you've been in for many years. The PVSC-40 will host a dynamic Exhibition for companies and research labs to showcase their latest PV characterization, research, and manufacturing advances, bringing scientists and technologists together with leading PV industries and organizations. We will resume our popular Solar Day in 2014, with local solar companies showing how they are making solar electricity a reality in Colorado, and providing a model of PV acceleration for other communities.
We will have some fun too. The Social Program has organized trips to see some of the best that Denver and nearby areas of Colorado have to offer for both attendees and companions, including touring Red Rocks, the chance to spend an afternoon painting your own canvas, and hikes in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado. The Conference Dinner will be held in the breathtaking architectural space of the Hamilton Building of the Denver Art Museum. Don't miss it!
On behalf of the Organizing, Cherry, and International Committees, I look forward to welcoming you out West for the PVSC-40 in Denver 2014!
Richard R. King
PVSC-40 General Chair