Call for Papers

On behalf of the PVSC-40 Technical Program Committee, I am happy and honored to invite you to submit an abstract on your latest achievements in photovoltaics research, development, and applications. In this Call for Papers for the PVSC-40 you will find many topics which connect to the full spectrum of PV, ranging from material science to building integrated PV and from device performance to education and workforce development.

As such I am hopeful that the PVSC-40 will offer a great platform to everyone involved in the exciting and still growing field of PV - a platform that enables you to connect with your colleagues, share information, learn from each other’s results, discuss and take steps towards new future developments.

For the PVSC-40, we have expanded the number of technical areas to twelve (12). Detailed descriptions of each area are presented to you in this Call for Papers. At the PVSC-40 we will continue to promote the cross-technology area focused on Reliability of PV, successfully introduced in 2013 and led by Dr. Sarah Kurtz of NREL. Moreover, we introduce another new interdisciplinary technical area ‘PV Deployment’ which is chaired by Dr. Martha Symko-Davies of NREL. This novel area will focus on technical, economic, and political challenges associated with high penetration of PV systems in electricity grids and in our society. Adding to this, a new area has been developed in the field of PV Modules and Manufacturing, which is led by Dr. Pierre Verlinden of Trina Solar in China. This area will pay attention to innovations in manufacturing and aims to stimulate participation of Asian colleagues in sessions with translation from Chinese to English. Finally we would like to point your attention to the renewed area on organic photovoltaics chaired by Moritz Riede of the University of Oxford. This area has gone through a complete transformation, drawing together expertise from chemistry, materials, physics and engineering to better match with ongoing exciting developments in this interdisciplinary field of organic PV. This area will be supported by a set of new tutorials on the first day of the conference.

To have your paper considered for presentation at the PVSC-40, please submit a 3-page evaluation abstract, and a short abstract of no more than 300 words in length for display on the PVSC website. Evaluation abstracts are expected to be detailed enough to allow a competent technical review. A suggested format has been provided at the conference website for your convenience. The preferred way to submit your abstract is via the PVSC website at Log in with your user name and password and carefully follow the instructions provided to upload your abstract successfully.

At the PVSC-40 we are continuing the very popular option of offering authors who have submitted particularly high quality PVSC review abstracts, as evaluated by the program committee, to submit their research results as a manuscript to IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics (J-PV). This path allows authors to enjoy both the PVSC conference experience as well as receiving a peer review citation from a highly regarded journal.

The deadline for electronic submission of the abstracts is February 10, 2014 at 11:59 pm U.S. Pacific Standard Time (UTC - 8 hours). Contributing authors will be notified of the acceptance status of their papers after March 24, 2014. For visa applications, an invitation letter will be issued at that time. We will also ask authors to confirm that they will be able to present their work at the conference and upload their manuscript by the due date of May 26, 2014 (2 weeks before the conference) for publication in the conference proceedings.

On behalf of the Technical Program Committee I look forward to welcoming and meeting with you at the PVSC-40 in Denver!

Angele Reinders
PVSC-40 Technical Program Chair