Click on an area below to view the associated technical program.
Area 1: Fundamentals and New Concepts for Future Technologies Area 2: Chalcogenide Thin Film Solar Cells Area 3: III-V and Concentrator Technologies Area 4: Crystalline Silicon Photovoltaics Area 5: Thin Film Silicon Based PV technologies Area 6: Organic Photovoltaics |
Area 7: Space Technologies Area 8: Characterization Methods Area 9: PV Modules and Manufacturing Area 10: PV Systems and Applications Area 11: PV Deployment Area 12: Reliability of PV |
Please use the tabs below to view the Overview for each techinical area.
Sub-Area 1.1: Fundamental Conversion Mechanisms
Sub-Area Chair: Seth Hubbard (Rochester Institute of Technology, USA)
Sub-Area 1.1 attempts to capture both experimental and theoretical work exploring new paradigms for photovoltaic energy conversion. Papers submitted to this sub-area would explore the fundamental physics or initial experimental demonstrations related to novel energy conversion mechanisms. In addition, papers on modeling and simulation of new device architectures to enable these conversion mechanisms are encouraged. Examples of new mechanisms of interest are non-conventional PV conversion processes based on, but not limited to, quantum confined or nanostructured concepts, intermediate band concepts, multiple exciton generation (MEG), thermophotonics or hot-carrier effects. Also of interest are concepts and demonstration of new materials and material science related to energy conversion. Finally, cross-cutting science approaches involving novel physics, innovative device structures, and modeling and simulation are solicited.
Sub-Area 1.2: Quantum-well, Wire, and Dot-Architectured Devices
Sub-Area Chairs: Christopher Bailey (US Naval Research Laboratory, USA), Daniel Farrell, (University of Tokyo, Japan)
Sub-Area 1.2 focuses on the bandgap engineering of photovoltaic devices via the inclusion of quantum structures, and the science involved in the photogeneration, recombination and carrier transport mechanisms in these devices. This is a particularly exciting time in this technical area as these novel architectures are at the cutting edge of photovoltaic research. Such device designs offer a multitude of realistic technological paths to attaining solar cells with efficiency in excess of 50%. To continue the momentum in the field, papers are sought on both the theoretical and experimental progress in the development of quantum-structured materials and devices. Submissions including novel designs, new material compositions, implementation of new uses of quantum confinement, and the exploitation of varying dimensionality of confinement are encouraged. Ideal submissions will range from studies of fundamental physics to examples of working devices.
Sub-Area 1.3: Hybrid Organic/Inorganic Solar Cells
Sub-Area Chair: Annick Anctil (Clemson University, USA)
Hybrid solar cells are designed to exploit the unique interfacial electronic properties at the organic-inorganic boundary. This class of devices is rooted in nanostructured TiO2 or ZnO integrated with conjugated polymers (P3HT), but is rapidly expanding to include many other organic and inorganic materials including single and polycrystalline Si and GaAs, organic small molecules, nanostructured carbon allotropes such as carbon nanotubes and graphene, as well as colloidal nanostructures including quantum wires, rods, and dots. Papers are sought which leverage the unique electronic and optical properties and functionality afforded by integrating organic and inorganic materials, and those which utilize quantum confined nanostructures to enhance charge transport and fine-tune the spectral sensitivity range. This sub-area has potential overlap with Sub-Area 6.2, and a joint session may be implemented.
Sub-Area 1.4: Advanced Light Management and Spectral Shaping
Sub-Area Chairs: Jonathan Grandidier (Jet Propulsion Laboratory, USA), Bryce Richards, (Heriot-Watt University, UK)
A way to improve the efficiency of a solar cell is to utilize most of the solar spectrum energy. Any effective solar cell technology requires some means for coupling light into the solar cell with minimum loss. Spectrum splitting, anti-reflection coatings, textured light trapping surfaces, luminescent (fluorescence) concentrator systems or advanced photonic or plasmonic structures are some of the ways to shape and take advantage of most of the solar spectrum. In addition, it is also desirable to modify the spectrum of the incident sunlight, using techniques such as up and down conversion either in planar layers or in waveguide structures. Papers submitted to this sub-area should address one or more of these themes and may be theoretical or experimental in nature.
Sub-Area 1.5: Novel Material Systems
Sub-Area Chair: Mariana Bertoni (Arizona State University, USA)
Area 2 description
Area 2 of the 40th IEEE PVSC continues a long tradition of meetings that focus on the science and technology of thin film solar cells based on chalcogenide materials. We invite contributions discussing solar cells based on Cu(InGa)Se2, Cu2ZnSn(Se)4, CdTe, and related materials. These materials include the highest efficiency thin film solar cells, reaching the same efficiencies on a lab scale as multicrystalline Si, as well as being flexible. The aim of Area 2 is to provide a platform for presenting recent and on-going research leading to improved understanding of materials and devices, exploring new directions for more efficient production, and narrowing the gap between cell and module efficiencies. The topics range from novel insights into the basic material science, study of device properties and new device structures, and discussion of the progress in deposition methods and growth control. A joint session with Area 5 (Thin film silicon based PV technologies) on light trapping methods is planned. We are looking forward to an exciting conference with intense discussions.
Sub-Area 2.1: Absorber Preparation
Sub-Area Chairs: Charlotte Platzer-Bjorkman (U Uppsala, Sweden), Shogo Ishizuka (AIST, Japan), Bill Shafarman (U Delaware, USA)
Keywords: vacuum and non-vacuum methods, process control, established and new absorbers
Sub-Area 2.2: Absorber Material Properties
Sub-Area Chairs: Thomas Unold (Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin, Germany), Takashi Minemoto (Ritsumeikan U, Japan), Yanfa Yan (U Toledo, US)
Keywords: bandgaps, defects, transport properties in established and new absorber materials
Sub-Area 2.3: Contacts, Buffers, Substrates and Interfaces
Sub-Area Chairs: Marcus Bar (HZB, Germany), Negar Naghavi (IRDEP, France), Norio Terada (Kagoshima U, Japan)
Keywords: novel buffer, window and back contact materials, flexible substrates, chemical and electronic interface structure
Sub-Area 2.4: Device Characterization and Modeling
Sub-Area Chairs: Pawel Zabierowski (Warsaw University of Technology, Poland), Akira Yamada (Tokyo Tech, Japan), Roland Scheer (U Halle, Germany)
Keywords: paths towards higher efficiency, metastabilities, new device structures, thin absorbers, micro cells, device simulation
Sub-Area 2.5: Manufacturing Progress
Sub-Area Chairs: Volker Probst (Bosch, Germany), Takayuki Negami (Panasonic, Japan), Markus Gloeckler (First Solar, US)
Keywords: large area, manufacturing throughput, high efficiency manufacturing, process control, patterning, module efficiencies, module reliability
Area 3 description
Solar cells with the highest conversion efficiency are made of III-V compound semiconductor materials. Efficiencies up to 44 % have been demonstrated under concentrated sunlight and these high performance devices are commercially used in concentrator photovoltaic modules. Area 3 covers the science and engineering of III-V single- and multijunction solar cells with all aspects from theoretical modeling to growth related issues, material characterization, photon management, device processing and solar cell reliability. New technologies for advanced III-V multijunction solar cell architectures are welcome in this area. The specific topic of III-V solar cells on silicon substrates will be covered in a joint session with Area 1: Fundamentals, and papers are welcome in both areas based on their scientific focus. Materials science is the basis for continuous improvements in the understanding and further development of III-V solar cell structures. The development of III-V solar cell devices has a long-lasting tradition in the PVSC for both, terrestrial applications (Area 3) as well as in space (Area 7). Papers covering both aspects are welcomed.
III-V multijunction solar cells are the basis for the growing terrestrial market of high-concentration photovoltaics and concentrator silicon solar cells are the basis for systems in the low and medium concentration range. Area 3 covers all aspects of concentrator photovoltaics (CPV) system development including primary and secondary optics, solar cell receivers, module components, trackers, modules and CPV power plants. Reliability is an important aspect for this growing industry as well as market development, financing, power prediction, industry standards, balance of systems (BOS) and installation-related issues. Combined heat and power as well as new applications of CPV in buildings are welcome. In the field of low and medium concentration, high efficiency silicon solar cells offer interesting applications. Contributions are welcome featuring silicon solar cells and corresponding module technology designated for concentrator applications.
Contributions may range from exploratory research through applied research, technology development, and engineering improvements. We are inviting the community to submit their latest work to the PVSC-40 and discuss the most important technology aspects for making CPV a success!
Sub-Area 3.1: III-V Solar Cells - Modeling, Epitaxial Growth, Materials, Processing, Reliability
Sub-Area Chair: Marc Stan (Emcore Photovoltaics, USA)
This sub-area covers all aspects of the development of III-V multijunction solar cells for terrestrial applications. This includes (but is not limited to): epitaxial growth, theoretical modeling, material development, solar cell architectures, photon management, new manufacturing technologies, device processing, characterization, and reliability. Papers covering specific aspects of the growth and technology of III-V solar cells on silicon (for 1-sun and under concentration) are highly welcome and will be included in a joint session with Area 1: Fundamentals. Papers covering both space and terrestrial solar cell development aspects will be included in a joint session with Area 7.
Sub-Area 3.2: High Concentration PV - Power Plants, Systems, Modules, Optics, Receivers
Sub-Area Chair: Scott Burroughs (Semprius, USA)
This sub-area covers all research and development aspects of high-concentration (> 300 suns) photovoltaic modules and systems. Such systems use lenses or mirrors to focus the sunlight onto typically III-V multijunction solar cells. Papers are expected in the field of CPV modules, primary and secondary optics, system components, solar cell receivers, trackers, power plants, power rating, reliability, bankability, cost prediction, project development and financing, as well as aspects of grid integration and storage. Combined heat and power systems and new applications of CPV in buildings, rural electrification or for the production of hydrogen are highly welcome.
Sub-Area 3.3: Low and medium concentration PV - Si Concentrator Cells, Modules and System components
Sub-Area Chair: Daniel Biro (Fraunhofer ISE, Germany)
The low and medium concentration range in CPV extends from 3 to approximately 300 suns and is typically marked by the use of silicon solar cells. Conventional solar cells are often redesigned for the application under concentrated sunlight. This sub-area covers both the engineering of Si solar cells for applications in the 3-300x range, as well as all aspects of the module and system components. One-axis tracking is sufficient for many low concentration CPV systems. Improvements and/or reports on promising alternative approaches are also welcome. The challenge is to find configurations which lead to cost reduction compared to conventional flat-plate PV.
Area 5 description
Thin film silicon covers a class of materials that ranges from amorphous silicon and its group-IV alloys, over nano- and microcrystalline silicon, silicon-oxides and -carbides, to thin films of crystalline silicon. Research and development in this active area addresses fundamental concepts of material quality, recent insight into light induced degradation, and passivation of internal interfaces and heterojunctions. This area will also be a forum to discuss innovative cell architectures with multiple junctions and the application of mature concepts in large area industrial production.
Sub-Area 5.1: Amorphous and nanocrystalline silicon
Sub-Area Chairs: Hitoshi Sai (AIST, Japan), Nikolas Podraza (University of Toledo, USA)
Amorphous and nanocrystalline silicon materials have demonstrated their suitability for large-area fabrication and operation in the field. Nevertheless, a better understanding of light induced degradation of the former and the workings of the internal interfaces in the latter remain challenging topics. This sub-area will discuss the latest results on material science and device design.
Sub-Area 5.2: Thin crystalline silicon-films
Sub-Area Chairs: Ivan Gordon (IMEC, Belgium), Sergey Varlamov (UNSW Sydney, Australia)
Thin films of crystalline silicon promise to combine high efficiencies known from wafer-based cells with advantages of large-area manufacturing. This sub-area will discuss “bottom-up” approaches like recrystallization and “top-down” strategies like epitaxial lift-off as well as device results.
Sub-Area 5.3: Light management
Sub-Area Chairs: Matthias Meier (Julich Research Centre, Germany), Franz-Josef Haug (EPFL, Switzerland)
Owing to the indirect bandgap of crystalline silicon related materials, and to the small absorption volume in thin-film silicon cells, light management is important to all cell architectures of Area 5. Absorption enhancement is traditionally introduced by growing on textured light-scattering electrodes. More recent approaches separate this functionality into dedicated layers realized by novel technologies like nano-imprinting, or they employ innovative scattering strategies like dielectric and plasmonic nano-particles. In addition to applications inside Area 5, we plan a joint session with Area 2 on approaches that allow us to reduce the absorber thickness below the absorption length.
Sub-Area 5.4: Manufacturing
Sub-Area Chairs: Bernd Stannowski (Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin, Germany), Baojie Yan (formerly UniSolar, USA)
Amorphous and nanocrystalline materials are successfully used in module production. In order to reduce manufacturing cost and to increase industrial throughput, it is necessary to explore regimes with high deposition-rate and controlled levels of contamination. This applies not only to the silicon films but also to supporting films like the electrodes. Moreover, all aspects must be integrated into the tight schedule of module fabrication.
Area 6 description
This focus area of the 40th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC-40) covers the latest scientific and technical progress for a broad range of solar cells that fall in the category Organic Photovoltaics (OPV). OPV has continued to show tremendous progress in the past years. The creation of its own focus area at the PVSC means that it is considered as an established technology in general PV community. Solar cell efficiencies have rocketed to well above 10% and operating lifetimes have reached more than 10 years. Based on abundant materials and scalable coating technologies, OPV shows potential for low-cost, lightweight, and flexible solar power generation. Based on these prospects, many companies around the world are putting considerable efforts towards commercializing OPV. Organic photovoltaics - a prime example of interdisciplinary research drawing together expertise from chemistry, materials, physics, and engineering - will soon have to prove its viability in the market.
Despite this remarkable progress, much of the underlying physical processes and their limitations have yet to be better understood. Similarly, scale-up in manufacturing volume has proven challenging for fast progress towards commercialization. The goal of this focus area is to address these issues, ranging from fundamental science to technological advances in the highly interdisciplinary subareas outlined below. Furthermore, Area 6 will offer a unique possibility to strengthen interactions and integration between OPV researchers and the greater PV community, something everyone will benefit from. These goals will be supported by a set of tutorials on the first day of the conference.
Sub-Area 6.1: Organic Semiconductors as Absorbers
Sub-Area Chair: Hugo Bronstein (UCL, London, United Kingdom)
Sub-Area 6.1 focuses on the photovoltaic active layers in all-organic solar cells. This includes the topics of first principles design and synthesis of new donor and acceptor materials, methods of how to influence and characterize their microstructure in thin films, as well as investigations of generation, recombination and transport of free charge carriers , and modeling of device properties. Novel materials have been the main driving force for efficiencies in recent years and the nearly unlimited possibilities of organic chemistry have been both an advantage and a disadvantage. A better understanding of how the molecular structure influences the optoelectronic properties of solar cells is often considered as key for more targeted synthesis of improved absorbing molecules.
Sub-Area 6.2: Perovskites, Hybrid and Dye-sensitized Solar Cells
Sub-Area Chair: Eric Hoke (Stanford University, USA)
Sub-Area 6.2 covers the latest developments in solar cells that combine organic and inorganic materials to use their unique individual properties for efficiently harvesting solar energy. Combining organic and inorganic materials leads to highly interesting science when investigating generation, recombination, and transport of photogenerated charge carriers in the hybrid systems. Topics of this subarea include the development of novel materials like quantum dots and nanowires, progress of classic dye sensitized solar cells, and the recent rise of perovskites as absorber materials. This subarea has potential overlap with Sub-area 1.3 and depending on the number of abstracts, a joint session will be considered.
Sub-Area 6.3: Light Management and beyond the Single Junction Limit
Sub-Area Chair: Sumit Chaudhary (Iowa State University, IA, USA)
Proper light management is essential for highly efficient solar cells, but most OPVs are (very) thin film devices due to transport limitations, making sufficient light absorption a challenge. Sub-Area 6.3 covers both experimental and theoretical work on how to improve the utilization of the solar spectrum. This includes but is not limited to light-trapping by clever device designs, e.g., through microstructured surfaces or the incorporation of plasmonic nanoparticles, up- and down-conversion of photons, and various tandem approaches to beat the efficiency limit of single-junction devices.
Sub-Area 6.4: Contacts and Interfaces
Sub-Area Chair: Wolfgang Tress (University of Linkoping, Sweden)
As photovoltaic materials evolve so must their interfaces to the outside world. Sub-Area 6.4 encompasses topics ranging from the design and development of novel contact materials to the accurate characterization of interfaces for extraction of photogenerated charge carriers. Recent research has stressed how important the choice of interface materials and processes at the interface are on both solar cell durability (operating lifetimes) and efficiencies. This combination of interface design and characterization, crossing the boundaries of organic and inorganic materials is unique to OPV.
Sub-Area 6.5: Device Stability
Sub-Area Chair: Suren Gevorgyan (DTU, Denmark)
OPV devices have shown very encouraging efficiencies and operating lifetimes have reached more than 10 years. However, this is still far away from the targeted 20 years that conventional silicon PV guarantees. On the one hand, the understanding of the various degradation pathways has to be improved. On the other hand, a major challenge is reliably predicting solar cell and module operating lifetimes for the constantly changing materials sets and stack designs being investigated. Sub-Area 6.5 invites contributions on operating lifetime studies and concepts to improve the device stability, from more stable materials to high quality encapsulation.
Sub-Area 6.6: Scale-Up and Applications
Sub-Area Chair: Jan Gilot (TNO, Netherlands)
It is clear that on the way to large-scale production, correspondingly large-scale synthesis based on abundant materials and fast coating processes need to be developed. With the first real production systems in the final development phase, first markets like building integrated PV and mobile energy are likely to be targeted first. Given the unique form factors, there are many more applications for OPV, especially in areas where conventional PV reaches its limits. Sub-Area 6.5 deals with the challenges of scaling up production of OPV and ways to access an affordable terawatt capacity that the technology should allow for. This sub-area has potential overlap with Area 9 on PV Modules and Manufacturing. Depending on the number and nature of submitted abstracts, a joint session will be considered.
Area 8 description
It is impossible to understand innovation in science without considering the support from measurements and characterization. Measurements are needed at all different levels of R&D and production - from investigating the operating principles of solar cells to developing standards for the performance of installed photovoltaic (PV) systems. The relationship between structure, physical properties, and the resulting PV performance is a challenge in materials science and engineering. Reliable and precise determination of the efficiency and thus power of solar cells and PV modules is crucial for the successful widespread deployment of PV and an ongoing challenge for flat-plate and concentrating PV technologies. Area 8 is intended to present the latest developments in the characterization of photovoltaics. We encourage members of the PV community to submit their contributions addressing the full range of scientific and technological challenges in the field of characterization, including the following topics:
Sub-Area 8.1: Defects in Photovoltaic Materials and Solar Cells
Sub-Area Chairs: Muhammad Huda (University of Texas, USA), Fude Liu (The University of Hong, Kong)
The presence of defects often limits the performance of solar cells and process yield. Relevant to this subarea are all methods for characterizing defects and their influence on PV performance, including opto-electronic measurements, structure, composition, stress fields, and mechanical properties. This subarea includes both intrinsic defects of the PV materials and manufacturing defects associated with yield.
Sub-Area 8.2: Advanced Methods and Instruments for the Characterization of Solar Cells and Modules
Sub-Area Chairs: Harvey Guthrey (NREL, USA)
The last decade has seen extraordinary improvements in methods and instrumentation in the field of PV characterization. This subarea targets novel characterization methods and equipment, and involves both laboratory-based characterization and in-line high-throughput characterization. Submissions from commercial characterization equipment suppliers are encouraged to submit abstracts describing the technical capabilities of their product along with examples.
Sub-Area 8.3: In-Situ Measurements, Process Control, Defect Monitoring
Sub-Area Chairs: Daniel Abou-Ras (Institute Nano-Architectures for Energy Conversions, Germany), Martin Schubert (Fraunhofer ISE, Germany)
Process control typically requires continuous measurements that are integrated and compatible with the growth/manufacturing equipment. These measurements must be rapid, non-destructive, and often contactless to monitor and control manufacturing parameters for optimizing yield and process performance. Submissions are also encouraged for methods and algorithms to control a process based on monitored data.
Sub-Area 8.4: Challenges in the Characterization of Novel Solar Cell Concepts
Sub-Area Chair: TBD
Novel solar cell concepts require adapting characterization techniques. Solar cells such as multijunction devices, organic and dye-sensitized solar cells, as well as metastable devices cannot be characterized using standard measurement procedures. This sub-area focuses on issues related to the characterization of such devices.
Sub-Area 8.5: Performance Testing and Standards
Sub-Area Chair: William Zaaiman (EU Joint Research Center, Italy)
As installed PV power continues to expand globally, it is increasingly important to standardize measurements for determining the performance of solar cells and PV modules and systems. This sub-area also involves methods for estimating PV module and system performance over time and the measurements necessary to accomplish this task.
Sub-Area 9.3: New Materials for Module Assembly and Testing Methods
Sub-Area Chair: Scott Norquist (3M, USA)
New materials for backsheets, encapsulants, polymers for junction boxes, glass, conductive backsheets or interconnection materials are the focus of this Sub-Area 9.3, including the methods to characterize these new materials. (Reliability and reliability testing topics will be treated in Area 12).
Sub-Area 9.4: Models for PV Modules and Energy Prediction
Sub-Area Chair: Cliff Hansen (Sandia, USA)
Sub-area 9.4 focuses on PV module modeling and energy prediction. Abstracts related to mechanical, thermal and electrical modeling of PV modules will be accepted, including issues of parameter measurement for these models. Energy generation and energy rating of PV modules are also the topics of this sub-area. (Papers related to PV Systems and Applications, as well as solar resource assessment will be accepted in Area 10).
Sub-Area 9.5: Manufacturing Improvement from Raw Material to Modules
Sub-Area Chair: YingBin Zhang (Trina Solar, China)
The “Learning Curve” model predicts a cost reduction of about 20% per every doubling of the cumulative production. How is the PV industry implementing cost reductions through economies of scale, automation, statistical process control, process improvements, from raw material to modules?
In Sub-Area 10.3 we seek papers covering advancements in the innovation and application of inverters, battery/energy storage, and other balance of system components. Recent inverter development trends include new features to meet expanding utility requirements, higher DC voltages for central and string inverters, long term reliability, and operational durability to meet demands for high DC/AC ratio plant designs. Storage technology and product development is on the rise again in response to grid stability issues for grid islands such as Puerto Rico and Hawaii. Other balance-of-system (BOS) development is ramping quickly to meet increasing demand for arc-fault and enhanced ground fault detection. We welcome papers demonstrating innovation and implementation in each of these areas. (Papers related to module embedded inverters and attached micro-inverters will be accepted in Area 9).
Sub-Area 10.4: Advanced and Off-Grid Applications
Sub-Area Chairs: Michael Schenck, (Schenck Energy, USA), Alexander Schies (Fraunhofer ISE, Germany)
In this sub-area we welcome papers covering recent advances in off-grid PV systems, hybrid systems, mini-grids, DC end-use systems, and other advanced applications. We are particularly interested in results from fielded or demonstration installations, but also welcome topics covering design and engineering advances, and results from system simulations. We welcome papers covering innovative use of PV in non-traditional applications - for product integrated PV, DC link applications such as uninterruptible power supply (UPS) or server supply systems, advanced building integrated systems, and lighting systems. Technical aspects are of interest but we also welcome papers covering socio-economic and environmental drivers for various off-grid, mini-grid or other applications important to developing countries.
Area 10 Special Session: The Future of Building Integrated Photovoltaics
Special Session Chair: Wilfried van Sark (Utrecht University, The Netherlands)
The vast majority of residential and commercial rooftop systems globally are “building-applied systems,” where PV products are mounted to existing roofs or structures. Building integrated PV, or BIPV, is the substitution of existing building materials with those containing PV, such as window glass and roofing tiles. In the U.S., BIPV is normally associated with special architectural projects: highly aesthetic demonstrations of technology such as glass facades or roofs, with similarly high levelized cost of energy. However, the market in Europe and elsewhere, fostered by additional financial incentives, has shown the real potential for cost-effectiveness, particularly in new buildings where the offset cost of conventional material purchase, transportation, and installation can be significant. The rapid market growth in net-zero buildings and energy self-sufficiency will continue to provide incentives to architects and building owners alike to find new and innovative BIPV solutions. In this special session we will have leading architects, researchers and developers briefly address the technologies seen in the market place to date, but focus primarily on newer innovations, visions for future development, and advanced analyses of the all-in cost reduction potential.
Sub-Area 11.2: Workforce Development and Education
Sub-Area Chair: Sarah Truitt (National Renewable Energy Laboratory, USA)
Integrating new technologies such as variable renewable energy sources, advanced communications and controls, and distributed energy storage into the existing U.S. electric power system requires new curriculum and innovative teaching techniques to be developed to address design, operation, and system integration issues. Papers are sought that address the major issues facing utility workforce planning departments and highlight new and innovative methods that incorporate hands-on learning of new technologies and approaches to grid planning and operations.
Sub-Area 11.3: Government/Policy/Financing
Sub-Area Chair: Elaine Ulrich (U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), USA)
Papers are sought that address the growing solar market, including finance, bankability, validation, siting and environmental issues, regulatory and policy engagement, and governmental programs and projects.
Area 12 description
As the PV industry has grown, it has become increasingly critical to have confidence in the long-term reliability and performance of the GWs of PV, representing billions of dollars or euros investment. This topic cuts across all technologies and throughout the supply chain. Topics especially critical to the success of the PV industry include: an up-to-date understanding of what is being observed for deployed products, the physics behind observed degradation/failure modes, and the quantitative correlation between accelerated test results and outcomes seen in the field as a function of site climate and installation method in order to move toward statistical service life predictions. Submissions are invited for all types of PV technologies.
This area may host joint sessions with other Areas. Authors may choose to submit to the area of their choice. Area 12 has been divided into six sub-areas, as presented below. Submission of papers on detailed scientific research studies and visionary papers addressing the full range of these topics are invited, including:
Sub-Area 12.1: Field Experience
Sub-Area Chair: Charlie Hasselbrink (SunPower, USA)
This sub-area focuses on statistics of types of failures, analysis of mechanisms of observed degradation and failures, electrical and mechanical impacts of failures, degradation models, and long-term operation models of PV plants. Submissions may include (but are not limited to) observations and analysis of observations from deployments of all PV technologies, methods of analysis of such data, and models or reviews that paint the big picture of what is happening in the field.
Sub-Area 12.2: Correlation of Accelerated Testing and Field Performance
Sub-Area Chair: Michael Kempe (National Renewable Energy Laboratory, USA, Bengt Jaeckel (Underwriters Laboratories), USA
This sub-area focuses on identification of failure and aging modes observed in the field that can be duplicated using accelerated stress tests, quantitative determination of acceleration factors for those tests, modeling of failure rates and wear-out as functions of localized weather conditions and/or accelerated stress test conditions, and fundamental physics and chemistry studies that can lead to quantitative modeling of module and device reliability and durability.
Sub-Area 12.3: Manufacturing Quality Assurance
Sub-Area Chairs: Masaaki Yamamichi (AIST, Japan), Jurgen Arp (Abastrial, Germany)
This sub-area focuses on quality management systems and elements of effective quality programs to secure manufacturing consistency. Elements may include, but are not limited to validity check of product and process design, qualification and quality control of materials and components including development of test methods and specifications, process control, in-line or off-line diagnostic techniques, product sampling/testing, warranty return experience, standardization, and other technical aspects of quality assurance programs including use of statistical quality control techniques that are needed to avoid PV product recalls/returns and provide more confidence in product performance throughout the warranty period.
Sub-Area 12.4: PV Safety Issues
Sub-Area Chair: Kent Whitfield (MEMC, USA), Chris Flueckiger (UL, USA)
This sub-area focuses on fire prevention, arc detection/mitigation, shock hazards, ground faults, mechanical integrity, and inspection procedures and other safety issues. Submissions may address identifying, mitigating or testing for the full range of safety issues at the module and/or system level.
Sub-Area 12.5: Cell Level Reliability Issues
Sub-Area Chair: Allan Ward (First Solar, USA)
This sub-area will focus on the physics of meta-stabilities and degradation, including potential induced degradation, moisture susceptibility, diffusion, electro-migration, damage induced by soldering (e.g. breakage, flux contamination), as well as device reverse-bias behavior such as hot-spot formation and breakdown, etc. Submissions are solicited both for cell level issues that are independent of packaging and for issues that must be treated by studying both packaging and cell structure at the same time.
Sub-Area 12.6: Reliability Techniques for Application to PV
Sub-Area Chairs: Vivek Gade (Jabil), Carole Graas (Colorado School of Mines, USA), Glenn Alers, (University of California, Santa Cruz)
This sub-area will provide an opportunity for reliability engineers from other disciplines to share their techniques with the PV community. Emphasis will be on techniques that help understand the diversity of stresses and conditions that are experienced by PV cells and modules and how these interact with both the packaging and the enclosed electrical systems and materials. Submissions are welcomed for the full range of component through system level testing, modeling, failure analysis, device diagnostics, metrology, and systems engineering.