Student Central

Welcome to PVSC Student Central!

If you are browsing this section of the website, you may be interested in finding out details of the conference specifically targeted at students. Some highlights include:

  • The Student Awards program for outstanding technical presentations delivered by students
  • The Graduate Student Assistant program to provide travel stipends for talented students who assist with the running of the conference
  • The PV Jobs program which will match prospective employees with employers in industry, academia and government sectors
  • Reduced student registration rate of $275 / $375 (early / late) with complimentary tutorial.

You can also check out the PVSC Facebook page to contact other conference participants ahead of time.

The PVSC aims to maximise student participation at the conference. We hope that these incentives, in addition to a great technical program, will encourage you to submit an abstract.

Annick Anctil (Graduate Student Coordinator)

Tyler Grassman (Deputy Graduate Student Coordinator)