Graduate Student Assistants for the 40th PVSC
Applications are now being accepted for Graduate Student Assistants (GSAs) at the 40th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialist Conference, June 8-13, 2014 at the Colorado Convention Center in Denver, Colorado. Given the large number of applications every year, and to encourage students to present their work, priority will be given to students who applied for the Best Student Paper Award.
The role of the GSA includes such responsibilities as sitting in on sessions to help the session chair in the event of technical failure, helping out in the speaker ready room or providing general assistance to conference attendees. Additionally, some GSAs will help in tutorial sessions, solar Day activities and general conference preparation starting on June 7.
You will be expected to work between 15 and 20 hours over the course of the week. This can be a very rewarding experience as GSAs have the opportunity to interact with many of the conference attendees, as well as get to know all the other students in the program.
Successful applicants will receive:
In making our selections we will consider, among other things, whether you are giving a presentation (oral or poster), able to attend the entire conference, what degree you are working on, year in graduate program, and recent publications. We encourage all students to apply as we try to support a diverse group with international representation.
Please complete the application no later than noon EDT on April 18, 2014. Selected students will be notified on or about April 30, 2014.
Thanks for your interest and we look forward to seeing you in Denver!
Dr Annick Anctil
Graduate Student Coordinator
Clemson University
[email protected]
Dr. Tyler Grassman
Assistant Graduate Student Coordinator
The Ohio State University
[email protected]