Exhibitor's Reception
Monday, June 9, 2014
5:30 - 7:30 PM
Colorado Convention Center - Exhibit Hall
We would like to invite you to the PVSC-40 Exhibitor's Opening Reception in the Exhibition Hall sponsored by the Conference Exhibitors on Monday evening, June 9 from 5:30-7:30 PM. The reception marks the opening of the Exhibits Hall and has become one of the most widely attended social networking events of the conference. This year's opening reception will undoubtedly bring together the biggest-ever gathering of PV experts in the world. Join us as we celebrate the start of another enriching week that only the IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference can provide. Catch up with old friends and meet new colleagues as you enjoy good food and drink. The Welcome Reception is open to all attendees.
Booth space is still available. Click here for details.
The Welcome Reception is open to all attendees and is a great way to kick-off the week!