Photovoltaic Specialists Conference
Technical Areas Overview
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Area 1:  Fundamentals and New Concepts for Future Technologies
Area 2:  CIGS and CdTe Thin Film Solar Cells and Related Materials
Area 3:  III-V and Concentrator Technologies
Area 4:  Crystalline Silicon Technologies
Area 5:  Amorphous, Nano, and Film Si Technologies
Area 6:  Organic Photovoltaics
Area 7:  Space Technologies
Area 8:  Advances in Characterization of Photovoltaics
Area 9:  PV Modules and Terrestrial Systems
Area 10:  PV Velocity Forum:  Accelerating the PV Economy

Technical Areas Overview

Area 1:  Fundamentals and New Concepts for Future Technologies

Chair:  Ryne Raffaelle, National Center for Photovoltaics, Golden, Colorado, USA
Co-Chair: N. (Ned) Ekins-Daukes, Imperial College, London, United Kingdom
Co-Chair: Yoshitaka Okada, The University of Tokyo, Japan

Subarea 1.1 Fundamental Conversion Mechanisms
Subarea 1.2 Quantum Dots, Nanowires, and Quantum Wells
Subarea 1.3 Nanostructures for Hybrid Solar Cells
Subarea 1.4 Novel Material Systems

Papers are sought that describe basic research in physical, chemical and optical phenomena, new materials and novel device concepts, which are essential to feed the innovation pipeline leading to future-generation PV technologies. General areas of interest include, but are not limited to, synthesis, characterization and modeling of: (1) non-conventional PV conversion processes based on quantum confinement and nanostructured concepts, intermediate-band solar cells, multiple charge generation, up/down converters, thermophotovoltaics,  hot-carrier cells, and other concepts; (2) quantum dots, nanowires, and quantum wells, highly metamorphic materials, new materials systems; and (3) cross-cutting science and hybrid materials that include organic/inorganic materials and innovative devices such as luminescent concentrators. 

Area 2:  CIGS and CdTe Thin Film Solar Cells and Related Materials

Chair:  Rommel Noufi, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden, Colorado, USA
Co-Chairs: Tokio Nakada, Aoyama Gakuin University, Japan
Hans-Werner Schock, Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin, Germany
Ayodhya N. Tiwari, EMPA, Swiss Federal Laboratory, Switzerland
Jim Sites, Colorado State University, USA

Subarea 2.1 Thin Film Deposition and Characterization of Absorber and Related Wide Band Gap and Novel Materials
Subarea 2.2 Transparent Conductors, Buffer Layers, and Back Contacts
Subarea 2.3 Device Properties and Modeling/Characterization
Subarea 2.4 Advanced Processes and Controls:  Atmospheric and Vacuum
Subarea 2.5 Modules and Manufacturing:  Process Controls, Performance, Interconnect, and Reliability

As the CdTe and CIGS technologies move from the lab to the factory, we encourage contributions addressing recent advances in manufacturing processes utilizing vacuum and/or atmospheric conditions, process controls and diagnostics, alternative buffers, TCOs, novel contacts, moisture barriers and other measures related to stability/reliability of the solar cell.  To maintain a strong and broad science foundation for these two thin film technologies, we solicit contributions on the science and engineering of thin-film deposition, characterization of structural, optical and electrical properties, modeling, and the role of electrically active defects and impurities. Looking forward, we also solicit contributions exploring new materials, wide band gap absorbers, novel device structures, and tandem cells. 

Area 3:  III-V and Concentrator Technologies

Chair:  Frank Dimroth, Fraunhofer ISE, Freiburg, Germany
Co-Chair: Sarah Kurtz, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden, Colorado, USA
Co-Chair: Kenji Araki, Daido Steel, Japan

Subarea 3.1 III-V Epitaxy, Materials, Processing and Devices;  III-V Concentrator Solar Cells
Subarea 3.2 High Concentration PV Modules, Optics and Receivers
Subarea 3.3 High Concentration PV Systems and Power Plants
Subarea 3.4 Low concentration PV - Si Concentrator Cells, Modules and Systems

The highest conversion efficiencies of >40 % are obtained with multijunction solar cells made of III-V compound semiconductors.  Materials science is the basis for the continuous improvements in the understanding and further development of these complex solar cell structures.  We therefore call for papers on the materials science and technology in this field.  This may include (but not be limited to) work on theoretical device modeling, epitaxy, solar cell processing and characterization.  III-V multijunction solar cells are the basis for the growing terrestrial market of high concentration photovoltaics.  At the same time, lower concentration approaches using silicon solar cells are gaining attention.  At this conference we are encouraging submission of papers in all fields related to the materials science and technology of Si and III-V concentrator solar cells, receivers and systems.  Manufacturing aspects, product reliability and testing are important aspects to be discussed for both solar cells and concentrator systems.  Papers on the development of new concentrators including optics for high- as well as low-concentration are welcome.  Further topics may focus on:  tracker development, thermal hybrid systems, annual power rating, industry standards, CPV market development, cost reduction or ecological impact.  Contributions may range from exploratory research through applied research, technology development, and engineering improvements. 

Area 4:  Crystalline Silicon Technologies

Chair:  Klaus Weber, Australian National Univ., Canberra, Australia
Co-Chair: Stefan Glunz, Fraunhofer ISE, Freiburg. Germany
Co-Chair: Stuart Bowden, Arizona State University, USA

Subarea 4.1 Feedstock and Crystallization
Subarea 4.2 Defect Passivation and Advanced Optics
Subarea 4.3 Device Fabrication
Subarea 4.4 Modeling, Metrology, and Characterization
Subarea 4.5 Manufacturing

The continuing drive for higher conversion efficiencies and lower costs of crystalline Si cells demands an increasingly sophisticated understanding of the materials and processes involved, in order to drive the development of new or improved manufacturing methods, materials and device structures.  Papers reporting on all aspects of c-Si technology are welcomed, including but not limited to:  feedstock materials and crystal growth;  defect characterization and passivation;  advanced optics for light trapping and reflection control;  new cell designs;  device modelling;  advanced measurement techniques;  and solutions for large scale manufacturing. 

Area 5:  Amorphous, Nano, and Film Si Technologies

Chair:  Arno Smets, Eindhoven Univ. of Technology, The Netherlands
Co-Chair: Sumit Argarwal, Colorado School of Mines, USA
Co-Chair: Takuya Matsui, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan

Subarea 5.1 Fundamental Properties of Thin Silicon Films
Subarea 5.2 Processing Issues for Thin Silicon Films and Devices
Subarea 5.3 Novel Concepts for Thin Silicon Solar Cell Devices
Subarea 5.4 Amorphous, Nano/Microcrystalline and Silicon Film Devices and Modules

Thin-film photovoltaics based on amorphous, nano/microcrystalline and polycrystalline silicon on non Si-substrates have matured through three decades of advances in the design and processing of high-quality materials, solar cells and modules.  Detailed research studies and visionary papers addressing the entire spectrum of the subject are welcomed, including material characterization concerning microstructure, light induced degradation, SiGe alloys, film oxidation;  processing issues concerning large throughput, large area, high deposition rates, processing routes for polycrystalline silicon;  novel concepts for thin silicon solar cells concerning films with new functionalities, light trapping using plasmonic films, texturing, multi-layers and intermediate reflective layer;  and  all topics related to amorphous/microcrystalline and silicon film solar cells and modules such as multijunction structures, performance and long-term reliability. 

Area 6:  Organic Photovoltaics

Chair:  David Ginley, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden, Colorado, USA
Co-Chair: Jan Kroon, ECN, The Netherlands
Co-Chair: Gitti Frey, Technion, Israel

Subarea 6.1 Polymer and Small Molecule Based Organic Photovoltaics
Subarea 6.2 Stability, Processing, and Packaging for Organic Photovoltaics
Subarea 6.3 Tandem, QD Enhanced, and Advanced Concept Organic Solar Cells
Subarea 6.4 Hybrid and Dye Sensitized Solar Cells
Subarea 6.5 Mechanisms, Interfaces, and Models in Excitonic Solar Cells

Organic, hybrid inorganic/organic, and dye sensitized solar cells are rapidly advancing technologies that are beginning to demonstrate commercial viability.  The flexibility of different donor/acceptor combinations including both organic small molecule and polymer as well as nanostructured inorganic materials stimulate a large diversity of approaches to the promise of more stable and efficient devices.  Many of the devices are excitonic in nature necessitating new device modeling and all of them are dominated by interfaces between very heterogenous materials with different structural, thermal and chemical properties.  The symposium will focus on the examination of many of the key areas evolving in this diverse approach to solar energy.  This includes papers in the broad spectrum of areas including:  an exploration of the evolving devices and materials based on polymers, small molecules, and dyes, the potential enhancement of these devices with tandem or QD structures, the stability and packaging of organic based devices, and an examination of new models and data for the performance of excitonic and dye based devices and their complex interfaces. 

Area 7:  Space Technologies

Chair:  Alex Howard, AFRL, Kirtland Air Force Base, Albuquerque, NM
Co-Chair: Mitsuru Imaizumi, JAXA, Japan
Co-Chair: Carsten Baur, ESA

Subarea 7.1 Space Materials and Devices
Subarea 7.2 Space Systems
Subarea 7.3 Flight Performance and Environmental Effects

Topics of interest are solar cells suited for space use, especially devices capable of high efficiency or high specific power, including solar array designs.  The scope includes III-V, thin-film, and novel solar cells.  Also of interest are papers concerning space reliability, space environmental effects, and protective materials for the space environment.  We welcome papers concerning characterization and qualification of space solar cells and papers concerning flight experiments and missions. 

Area 8:  Advances in Characterization of Photovoltaics

Chair:  Angus Rockett, Univ. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA
Co-Chairs: Gerald Siefer, Fraunhofer ISE, Freiburg, Germany
Manuel Romero, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden, Colorado, USA
Ayodhya Tiwari, EMPA, Swiss Federal Laboratory, Switzerland
Yoshihiro Hishikawa, Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Tsukuba, Japan
Thorsten Trupke, BT Imaging Pty Ltd, Surry Hills, Australia

Subarea 8.1 New Characterization Methods for PV:  Optoelectronic, Physical, Chemical
Subarea 8.2 Methods for Characterization of Defects
Subarea 8.3 PV Cell and Module Measurement Techniques
Subarea 8.4 In-situ Characterization Methods
Subarea 8.5 Process Control and Modeling
Subarea 8.6 Methods for Reliability Testing and Standards

The focus of Area 8 is to present works primarily focused on methods of characterization of photovoltaic materials and devices as distinct from focusing on the materials and devices characterized.  Thus papers submitted to this area could range from new scanning probe methods to determine semiconductor properties to methods to calibrate an accelerated lifetime testing apparatus.  In-situ characterization methods and process control methods are appropriate to Area 8 because they are about implementing a method in a given environment.  Papers describing the performance or properties of specific materials and devices, if focused primarily on those materials and devices should go to the areas concerned with the relevant technology.  However, a paper describing the application of a technique to a material, focused primarily on demonstrating the capabilities of a technique, belong in Area 8.  Thus, a paper describing cathodoluminescence (CL) of CuInSe2 would belong in Area 2 if focused on the CIS but in Area 8 if focused on how to conduct CL or the capabilities of a CL instrument.  Exciting new work is being reported in this area ranging from novel methods of photoemission to advanced imaging and characterization methods for individual Si wafers through full modules. 

Area 9:  PV Modules and Terrestrial Systems

Chair:  Angèle Reinders, University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands
Co-Chair: Terry Jester, Hudson Clean Energy Partners, USA
Co-Chair: Pierre Verlinden, Solar Systems, Australia

Subarea 9.1 Markets and Customers
Subarea 9.2 PV Module Materials, Encapsulation and Manufacturing
Subarea 9.3 Inverters and other BOS Components
Subarea 9.4 Grid Connected Systems and Building Integration
Subarea 9.5 Stand Alone Applications

PV modules are a vital commodity in the market of PV systems.  We encourage submissions in all subjects associated with PV module materials, manufacturing and the performance of PV modules.  Also papers reporting on markets and costs, and regarding the energy yield of PV modules are encouraged.  Power conditioning equipment affects the reliability and efficiency of PV systems.  Therefore, contributions describing technical issues and standardization of inverters and Balance-of-Systems (BOS) components are encouraged.  Papers about design engineering, monitoring and control of very large scale grid-connected PV installations are welcome, as well as papers about incentives for, and experiences with residential grid-connected systems and building-integrated PV systems.  The growing need for autonomous electricity supply is advancing the development of stand-alone PV solutions.  We welcome contributions describing sizing and simulation of system integrated PV systems in the context of functionality, regulations, costs and environmental aspects.  In Area 9 contributions can range from applied research and technology development, to papers about design, engineering, markets and user studies. 

Area 10:  PV Velocity Forum:  Accelerating the PV Economy

Chair:  John Benner, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden, Colorado
Co-Chair: B. J. Stanbery, HelioVolt Corp., Austin, Texas, USA

Subarea 10.1 PV Programs, Policies and Incentives
Subarea 10.2 PV Markets
Subarea 10.3 Sustainability and Environmental Issues
The PV Velocity Forum brings technologist, investors and policy-makers together to explore methods for driving more cost-effective emerging technologies through production and into the market.  Speakers and panelists will engage with attendees to explore gating factors affecting the adoption of new PV technologies, such as research support, policy development, regulations, supply chain, environmental issues and market-based project management.   The Forum will address strategies to sustain or accelerate the high growth rate and drive costs down faster.