Welcome to PVSC 40

It is my great pleasure to invite you to the 40th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference! The PVSC-40 will be held June 8-13, 2014, at the Colorado Convention Center in mile-high Denver, Colorado. Denver is a beautiful city and one of strong solar importance, with many PV companies and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory located nearby.

The purpose of our conference is essentially an educational mission. In our modest way, we strive to create a forum which encourages discovery, advances understanding of all aspects of photovoltaics, and hastens the widespread availability of solar electricity and its multiple environmental, economic, and political benefits for humankind. Please join us in continuing the PVSC's tradition as the preeminent conference dedicated to the science and technology of photovoltaics.

The PVSC Technical Program is divided into 12 areas covering the latest developments in photovoltaics, from fundamentals, materials science, devices, systems and reliability, through policy and PV deployment acceleration. The Tutorials and Short Courses program, taught by renowned PV experts, is a fun way to learn about a fascinating area of PV that may be new to you, or strengthen your foundation in a PV area you've been in for many years. The PVSC-40 will host a dynamic Exhibition for companies and research labs to showcase their latest PV characterization, research, and manufacturing advances, bringing scientists and technologists together with leading PV industries and organizations.

On behalf of the Organizing, Cherry, and International Committees, I look forward to welcoming you out West for the PVSC-40 in Denver 2014!

Richard R. King
PVSC-40 General Chair

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Blue Bear

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Please check the Conference Registration section for information concerning fees & deadlines, registration instructions, and cancellation policies.
Looking for information on a past PVSC conference? The Conference Downloads page has links to programs from past PVSC conferences.

PV to Improve Our World

PVSC has partnered with SolarAid and Unite-to-light in the cause to eradicate the kerosene lamp from Africa by 2020.



Visit the SolarAid booth in the Exhibit Hall to learn how PV is being used to tackle climate change and poverty and how you can be part of the solution.